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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. I'm assuming they mean UPS left them in a bad spot, and someone else took them. UPS sucks ass in some places.
  2. It's so dumb, why would it work scrolling down, but then not back up... I like this mouse, but this is just so horribly inconvenient... I daresay my jimmies are a bit rustled, to drag up an older reference.
  3. I've been doing that for days
  4. But strangely only for scrolling up. So I get to the bottom of a page, and then can't go back up... FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS
  5. http://columbiafederalist.com/home/2017/2/8/helicopter-dick-pilot-takes-flight
  6. This sounds unnecessarily complicated. Regular monopoly ruins enough lives as it is
  7. I hate white people. But all of my ancestors are from northern or western europe. But fucking white people...
  8. I got a new job finally, but everything else went tits up.
  9. It gets nice a gooey melty, it's great
  10. Muenster makes a pretty good grilled cheese & tomato sandwich. Salt and fresh pepper.
  11. How the fuck would that even work? Are there enough places in DBZ to even be properties? Is currency power levels?
  12. Does DBZ monopoly take 3 times as long to play?
  13. Aren't we all already dead on the inside?
  14. Idk where we are, I only know how fast we're going
  15. i was also confused by this
  16. my resolution is 1600 x 1400
  17. Want some craft beer with your craft whine?
  18. "We got a black cock down, we got a black cock down..."
  19. Hundreds of meatspins, but with valkries instead of "right round" Would they send troops up after them?
  20. ...humans could fly, but either by furiously windmilling your dick around, or flapping your labia like mothra, but even though everyone had this ability, it was socially unacceptable to use it, but we all knew we could. And then imagine that you had this thought while being a full grown adult who doesn't do drugs, taking a piss at work.
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