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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. maybe shes gaybelline
  2. Constantly. Thats called "clinical depression".
  3. someone else must be jumping in and wishing for a sticky mess and lots of shame, then
  4. That's true of all the dead people in the basement, though
  5. Do not spit, we must pray for this one
  6. This is making the movies I watched make way more sense. I stayed up way too late to finish watching that. That was a trip.
  8. i use my phone usually
  9. He has the eyes and the speech of someone who is either hiding something, or is mentally ill, or both, but what the fuuuuuuuck
  10. what the fuck... i can't even shitpost about this, literally what the fuck even...
  11. they could've put a filter on it
  12. On episode 4, there's so much I like about this. Damn. Dayum.
  13. Soooo, what is it even about?
  14. I remember the one movie sort of making sense, and the other one making almost no sense, at least to me. And I swear there was one other one that I started watching that wasnt the 009 crossover, but it made absolutely no sense so I stopped watching it. Again, I saw these bootlegged on youtube, so its possible things were missing or whatever.
  15. the thing about spitting venom is impossible to know and was made up. Also if I remember right, they were actually quite a bit bigger than the book and movie made them out to be.
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