Oh yeah, well how do you feel about THIS?
Oh yeah, same, they're extremely important for the environment and their ecosystems, and I think they should stay there.
But who painted that spider? Bruh.
My cat takes care of the mice problem, and the spiders take care of any bug problem, as long as they aren't tucking me in at night, they can do they thing.
They just want what we all want, to do their jobs and liquefy their prey and slurp up the gooey innards like a smoothie.
Everyone loves a smoothie... of bug guts...and sometimes birds and small lizards
you need at least 4 for it to not suck, but even then, it's supposed to be fast-paced
I have it and also an expansion that adds curse words and stuff, it can be fun, but again, it's supposed to be quick
Literally none of my friends are any of those people, because I don't hang out with shitty 1 dimensional people.
I am that last one, though, but it's not for lack of being, I have anxiety and the friends that understand are still friends.
Literally the first half of the list is "some douchebags you hang out with a lot because you don't know how to meet and befriend new people"
Don't worry, it's not anal rape, he's explicitly stated more than once aggresively how not gay he is. So at no point should you expect anal rape from DMX, no sir no how. Definitely not, in fact he has made it a point that he doesn't want to penetrate that sweet sweet man butt.