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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Gonna start throwing some covers in here, because it's similar. Because fuck yeah.
  2. That's essentially what the evidence says. Which is why I followed it with "I WANT TO BELIEVE". I think I might have my paper saved on an external drive, I might look for it.
  3. I found this lady from a Messhugah cover while watching shitposts on youtube, funfact, shes actually a fucking incredible guitarist. Bought her bands cd, it's very nice.
  4. Just keep pushing, apply everywhere. The worst they can say is "no". Cast a wide net. Fast food and grocery stores could get you fast employment, consider looking into temp agencies, although I didn't have much luck with them personally. But go to places in person when you apply and talk to the people there, I feel like that makes a big difference. Places with high turnover are the most likely to give you something, but they're also the most likely to string you along and not give a shit. And don't let a place fuck you around for weeks or months, either. If they give you an interview, and it goes well, and you don't hear from them for like 2 months, and then they suddenly call but the terms have changed... it's not worth it.
  5. Culturally, bigfoot is real. Literally or scientifically... Ehhhhhhhh
  6. I have been unemployed twice in my life so far, the longest I was unemployed was for over a year. There were some very dark times. Don't give up.
  7. Depends on the burger, really. Also how much I hate myself, or are drunk. The burger from like the 2 cheeseburgers meal, I could probably eat like 5-6 of them before I started regretting life. Quarter pounders, maybe like 3. The real question is "why?"
  8. I wish getting busy would end my existential crises hahahaha.... ha Being busy doesn't mean you aren't an insignificant speck doomed to years of dread before consciousness ends
  9. I listen to system of a down every now and then, and some of the old school 80s metal that helped first get me into metal. There's a few bands that i recall listening to a shitload and for whatever reason now, I don't even have their music anymore. Part of me would like to listen again, I think, but also part of me grew out of a few of them. There's nostalgia boners for some of them, and also some of them are legitimately good musicians, but there's a few where I can be a music snob now and look back and spit on my past child self for being a fool.
  10. I'd have to dig through my old college papers, but I took a psuedoscience class in grad school, and I did one of my major papers on cryptozoos. In biology, there's a form of data mapping used to chart the territory of animals based on where they've been seen and/or reported to have been seen, and several scientists compiled data and generated one of those charts for bigfoot, and it was practically identical to that of black bears. That being said... I STILL WANT TO BELIEVE
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