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Everything posted by SlappyKincaid

  1. Seriously, though, fuck alcohol. I've been trying to get back in the mindset I was in when I had quit drinking like 2ish years ago, and stress keeps dragging me back to the bottle.
  2. that would hurt my weiner
  3. I don't know why I keep going back, because it always ends up ruining me. You can't even have sex with it.
  4. nicotine is still a neurotoxin, also "vape" contains a score of chemicals that are not good for you, especially if you get all those cool flavors and what not. And while smoking weed is arguiably better than smoking cigarettes, is it really "better"? And I should have made it more clear, but in my analogy, I was grouping vaping and smoking weed together as a replacement for cigs because thats what people I know have done, so think of it like that. Even smoking pure tobacco ain't really "good for you" there's still a lot of bad shit in it. I can split hairs and say that combusting plant matter can literally kill you, if the plant matter you combust is something like poison ivy. Smoking weed is better than smoking tobacco, and smoking tobacco is better than smoking poison ivy. Also wood. Inhaling combusted wood kills a lot of people. In fires, from suffocation. Smoking cigarettes is better than smoking pine and drywall. So, sure maybe vaping is better than cigarettes in terms of the bad shit thats in cigarettes, but there's still a lot of shit in "vape", including nicotine, a neurotoxin, and also whatever is in "vape". So sure, they aren't smoking cigs and inhaling tar and whatnot, except they are instead vaping like ungodly amounts of whatever this shit is mixed with nicotine, a neurotoxin, and also smoking more weed than I can even comprehend. No one has ever come up to me and said "aw dude, check out this pack of cigs" and then smoked the entire pack, but also while switching off to a different pack. You can't tell me that vaping is at any point "safe". It may be safer than smoking an equivalent amount of cigarettes in terms of nicotine, maybe, but that assumes that people vape the same amount that they once smoked. and as far as weed goes, I literally know people who started smoking weed for medicinal reasons, and have gotten off opiates because of it. I'm not saying weed will kill you and rape your family, but it's certainly not a cure-all like some people wish. But in the analogy I was using, which I'll admit probably wasn't clear, but I'm still gonna use as my reference point, is it though? I re-read some of this, and would like to clarify that I am a drunk alcoholic, so it is very possible I am calling someone a black kettle... I think I still managed to say what I was trying to say, although those last few lines.... uhhh...
  5. what the fuck is this thread, the overconsumption denial party? too much booze is bad for you, too much sugar and caffeine is also bad for you, substituting one for the other isn't going to negate the effects of having abused one or the other, thats not how shit works, this isn't a video game. Alcoholism kills your liver, know what else kills your liver? diabetes. Drinking too much booze and drinking too much sugary soda coffee bullshit can both give you diabetes. Booze might give you cirrhosis first, but details. Literally soda is believed to be a leading cause of obesity, and obesity leads to diabetes. Obesity is the leading cause of ...oh, well, you know, a lot of things. I am literally an alcoholic, I have quit drinking because of health reasons, and then resumed drinking because "it makes me feel good", all the while understanding that it is destroying my body and mind. But I'm not going to start abusing caffeine coffee soda to balance it out, because that's not a thing. It's not balancing out to replace one vice with another. "Oh, I quit horse tranquilizers by switching to meth." Giving up booze but going to a fucking coffee soda is not helping yourself. Quitting smoking cigarettes, but then replacing it with vaping and smoking weed is not really improving your health. "I don't drink liquor anymore, i just drink beer" Bruh. come on now. someone takes too much heroin so they balance it out with coke, know what happens? Chris Farley happens. literally what the fuck even is this, do people really not know these things?
  6. I feel like that would be a "Family Feud" answer for something these days
  7. They can't, you're just anxious and paranoid so you're overthinking shit, and subconcsiously when you do something you're equating it to "they knew id do this"
  8. a/s/l? 14/f/cystic acne
  9. i mean... great for you, you do you... but.... but why
  10. Today I learned that Arkansas has technology. Also, this
  11. I attempted to make a furniture joke out of that, and failed. I have brought dishonor unto my family.
  12. I don't need another one night stand, I have two already, any others would be excessive and silly
  13. We're electrified meat computers
  14. Smooth as eggs, and white as eggs
  15. I don't date robots.
  16. "OW, OW, OW FUCK"
  17. I like the gif of the one that dances, and someone photoshopped little maracas into its hands
  18. These monkeys must've botox'd their balls
  19. hey bb, you got somma that ... palm sugar?
  20. obviously it's hard to convey in text, but just how loud are they? The one researcher in this show said it's like being near a jet or a marching band.
  21. 120 something deciballs, hitting you right in the face
  22. Apparently, howler monkeys with smaller balls howl a lot louder. Primates, amirite
  23. We have wolf spiders that get stupid big, and also orb weavers which also get stupid big, but they have crazy coloring. I prefer for them to stay outside, though.
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