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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Does anyone remember an ASMBer user from WAY back named CaptorOfSin? I know of this name from a message board a million years ago that I used to frequent but I don't know which one.... Just saw that name on discogs listing an album that I want (he listed the vinyl though, I just want the CD).
  2. I was surprised a few minutes ago that I heard a joke on 2 Broke Girls that actually I found pretty funny. "What do a Rubik's Cube and a penis have in common?" Of course if Comedy Central would drop their paid programming and shift Futurama from 7:00 AM to 6:00 AM I wouldn't be having to watch 2 Broke Girls on my after-work mornings.
  3. Are fans of the band Ween called Weeners? *philosiraptor pic*
  4. Back in 2010 I was an insurance agent, and one potential client I went to see was a huge collector of Pepsi/soda stuff. He showed me full cans of Tab he had, and when I was on my way out, he offered me one. The soda fan that I am, was like yeah, sounds great thank you. Don't think I've ever had Tab, but I have heard of it. Didn't drink it right then because I didn't know the sugar/caffeine content and that appointment was at like 8:00 PM. Saved it for the weekend. Pretty decent cola, but no real reason for me to start drinking it instead of Coke or Pepsi. But that was fucking cool of him.
  5. Happy birthday! 🎂 🎈 🎈 🎈
  6. 1. It could be racist because you'd be equating Asian culture (unfortunately I cannot remember which country and I don't feel like looking it up so I'm just generalizing it to Asian) with cartoon silliness. 2. Pretty sure you're the first, but not sure why, because this is fucking genius. 3. Better, because then they are a willing participant, as opposed to just listening to you do it with nothing they could do about it other than risk losing a fare. 4. You've stumped me.
  7. Didn't you used to have a sci-fi review youtube channel? Revive that.
  8. Trap it in the dryer, apparently.
  9. Me in the summer:
  10. Well at least I don't have to worry about getting her pregnant.
  11. SNL Kids: The Not Ready For Bedtime Players. It feels like I may be ripping off a Family Guy joke with this...
  12. Evil Weird Al is actually pictured on the left.... "Good" Weird Al has a "jewfro" (I have no idea if he's even jewish, just don't know what else to refer that hairstyle as), glasses, and a mustache.
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