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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. That is extremely bold of you to even touch them, let alone bring them home. πŸ˜†
  2. This made me LOL irl because it is me literally every fucking weekend:
  3. Can you cheat and split it into multiple chapters? πŸ˜„Or would that in itself require even more editing?
  4. The good news is I just got a raise so hopefully one step closer to moving out of my parents' house, and when that happens I'll be more comfortable with the idea of using dating / hookup apps.
  5. You obviously have much more self-confidence than I do. I'd love to see you ask out a celebrity crush of yours though. Not necessarily doubting you, but it would be a sight to see an "average Joe" ask out a hot celebrity with actual expectations of a yes.
  6. As if she were straight I'd have the opportunity? 😝
  7. I thought you pulled that out of thin air but then I remembered that Skinner and Krabapple (however you spell that) were lovers at one point. 🀣
  8. Thank you for WellActuallying me right there. πŸ˜„
  9. You literally can't go one thread without WellActually'ing someone. Or I guess that stuff about the white paint was just you fucking around with Tsar.
  10. You WellActually people more than anyone here.
  11. I don't pick targets, if I have something to say, I have something to say, regardless who posted it. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm targeting you, but I am not intentionally targeting anybody. Buddy used to give me shit about this all the time too like I was targeting him, and it left me just as flabbergasted every time.
  12. Not really a meme I guess, but omg why.... At first I thought he was just goofing around like I used to like to do on my bicycle... Then I noticed the wheel on the bottom... then the other wheel on the bottom... omg he's actually riding it like that....
  13. Oh sure, you WellActually Mix but GOD FORBID I WellActually you. Sorry I forgot people get butthurt when I rebut people on a forum of people rebutting people all the time.
  14. Also not sure what questions this answers, this class was in 2014.
  15. Are you every therapist in existence? My teacher was also a therapist.
  16. Well I don't want to limit myself to just nasty hoes, so again I hope I can commit what you said earlier to memory. πŸ˜„
  17. I mean, you're the only one suggesting going to therapy specifically for the fetishes, mix never said that.... I'm just saying it could easily come up in the conversation and depending on the situation (not necessarily the one I brought up) the therapist might want to explore it. I went to (dropped out) of a psychology grad school and the human sexuality class dealt a great deal with fetishes and paraphilias....
  18. Well I have no problem with that but what I thought what you were saying is that women will have none of that.
  19. I hope I can commit this to memory.
  20. Or it could've been something brought up incidentally. "My wife left me! I'll never find another Asian woman, there are so few Asians in this town!" "Why does it matter that she's Asian?" "I have an Asian fetish."
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