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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Did you get the blue screen of death? Is the blue screen of death even still a thing?
  2. Can relate.
  3. So far you are the leading candidate in getting this cake in your birthday thread.
  4. Oh god, I got one..... I hope this doesn't turn into a whole thing, but here it goes.... "Epstein didn't kill himself." Honestly, if I did what he did, got arrested, and was waiting around in jail to be found guilty and sent to prison to probably be torn apart by my fellow prisoners..... The very first thing I would do once the opportunity arose is kill myself. Seriously, Why WOULDN'T you kill yourself in those shoes? You're just going to be beaten to death by the other inmates anyway. That's how Jeffrey Dahmer died anyway. "But the cameras went blank and nobody saw and nobody stopped him!" Who knows, maybe security was like, this scumbag wants to hang himself, let's let him. Fuck this prick.
  5. I'm curious about the "Nelson Mandela died in prison" myth. The belief is so wide spread it MUST'VE been reported on a major news source SOMEWHERE, even if incredibly incorrectly.
  6. I don't.... I ask because I saw this on facebook and would LOVE to use it in someone's birthday thread, but only if it's relevant to their interests:
  7. If you think about it, there's probably a whole host of video game characters, cartoon characters, and celebrities people of whatever generation would more likely recognize than Shakespeare. For millennials, let's pick Mario. For boomers, Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse. Gen X maybe Bart Simpson.
  8. I had no idea about that.... now you say "legend" does that mean it is just a fan theory or was that confirmed by a member of the band? I heard about the Paul is Dead thing a little bit on VH1 years ago. Something about the walrus is dead, something about Paul being a walrus, therefore Paul is dead, and people were freaking out about Paul being dead, and then in an interview Paul was like, "The reports of my death were greatly exaggerated." I heard about it in a little more detail than that but that's all I can recall off the top of my head.
  9. I'm assuming you're referring to the song was actually In the Garden of Eden, and when one of the band members came in and asked Doug Ingle what he was working on, in his drunkenness he slurred his speech and it sounded like Inna gadda da vida, which said other band member thought sounded pretty cool so he wrote it down, and they decided to make it the title (and lyric).
  10. Were they carried by the husk?
  11. Borrowing melodies happens all the time. The metalness of the song is the main guitar riffs. It's like Iommi before Iommi.
  12. You missed Born to be Wild. Personally I think the first ever heavy metal song was Inna Gadda Da Vida. It low key bugs me when people cite Summertime Blues, not just because it is not metal to me, but it's a fucking cover! Of a rock and roll song from the 50s! How can a fucking cover song from one genre be the first ever song of a different genre that it has nothing in common with????? Having said that Vincebus Eruptum is a pretty cool album.
  13. Yeah but he was like 90 when he died, so back when he was alive he would've qualified in my eyes as "nursing home aged."
  14. Honestly, I think all the musicians of all the oldest metal bands that ever existed aren't probably at nursing home age yet. Unless maybe if you count Christopher Lee. Which I don't.
  16. That's phenomenal. Tries to go at it from a crazy angle, saw it wasn't working, then just reverted to the same ol' shit everyone does like the above never happened.
  17. Oh, I'LL sponge your boobs alright.
  18. Last night, on my way to work, being night and mid December, full blown dark of night.... on the freeway I saw a car ahead with their tail lights out. I saw another car maybe a week or two previous with their tail lights out, which at first I thought they didn't turn their headlights on, but as I passed them they had their headlights on so their tail lights were out.... so last night I assumed that's what happened with this car, headlights on, tail lights out.... nope. Drove past and their fucking headlights weren't even on. So they're either stupid enough to drive in the darkness of night forgetting to turn their headlights on, or they're stupid enough to drive in the darkness of night without working headlights OR working tail lights.
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