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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Me in the summer:
  2. Well at least I don't have to worry about getting her pregnant.
  3. SNL Kids: The Not Ready For Bedtime Players. It feels like I may be ripping off a Family Guy joke with this...
  4. Evil Weird Al is actually pictured on the left.... "Good" Weird Al has a "jewfro" (I have no idea if he's even jewish, just don't know what else to refer that hairstyle as), glasses, and a mustache.
  5. I just realized what sponges' sig is: A dinosaur toy butt with the tail disconnected.
  6. I didn't know that was a joke.
  7. Does anyone remember Glenn Beck? The only reason I remember him is seeing @TrigunBebop sometimes reminds me of his TriGlennBeckBop alt from the ASMB.
  8. Thoughts and prayers? More like THOTS and prayers, amirite?
  9. Is it just me, or is the phrase Pacific north west redundant when talking about U.S. geography?
  10. He’s lived his whole life in the tropics, fucking Cali winters would be cold for him. My dad was born in Hawaii and lived there until his family moved to Cali when he was a teen. Said he never owned a jacket until moving to Cali.
  11. It’s autumn, y’autumn.
  12. What is NFT? And before someone tells me to google it, “What is NFT” is WHAT I WAS THINKING ABOUT, so fuck off.
  13. Congrats! I know you’ve been wanting to escape Hawaii for quite some time.
  14. Yes, but did you make a deal with the ROBOT devil to switch tongues with him?
  15. Do you have body aches, at least? 😝
  16. Happy birthday! Also, in the off chance you happen to post..... is it me or is Steve^ like if Millhouse Van Houten all grown up elected to ditch his glasses in favor of being blind, and then started dressing like Bart?
  17. I've only known of this meme format for like two days and I am already fucking sick of it.
  18. I thin it was one of the following CDs: Dio - Strange Highways Black Sabbath - Cross Purposes Cathedral - The Ethereal Mirror
  19. It does look like that, but on the other hand you can see the glare in his glasses too, which points to them being real.... unless he's legit at photoshop.
  20. I'm pretty sure he already did that some years ago.
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