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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. It never occurred to me it would happen, it just happened when I had to go to the doctor because I felt like shit and it was cold outside. If I'm too lazy to put on shoes, chances are I'm too lazy to put socks on too. I still have no idea why the idea is so revolting to people everybody.
  2. I never felt the need for those. Generally the only shoes I want that don't lace up are sandals/flipflops. Anything else I want laces.
  3. Then how do you explain the five billion Tim and Eric shows and the other five billion unfunny live action shows? 😝
  4. I've never understood why this is so reviled by like, everybody ever. Sometimes due to weather socks are appropriate but maybe feeling to lazy to tie shoes, so you just put on sandals instead. I did this once. One day many years ago I felt like shit, so my parents took me to the doctor (I don't even remember what for or what happened at the doctor). It was the winter so I needed socks but I felt like shit and was in no mood to put on my regular shoes so I just slipped on some sandals. I don't know about you, but my whole childhood, my parents got me socks that went way above the ankles. It was all I knew and therefore normal to me. Everyone in my family wore socks like these. All the other boys I knew wore those kind of socks too. I remember one time I noticed that the girls were wearing socks that go way above the ankles too except they rolled them all the way down as far as they could go before their shoes got in the way. Perhaps this a female thing? It wasn't until a few years ago my dad pointed to the virtue of ankle socks, but only for warm/hot weather. During cold weather i prefer the shin (or whatever) socks.
  5. Lauren Tom is Chinese-American. Is she fluent in Lao? In King of the Hill, Khan and Minh speak Lao when they don't want other people to know what they are saying. Are they actually speaking Lao? Is it Chinese that the show is trying to pass off as Lao? A quick glance at wikipedia, I didn't see Chinese being a common language in Laos or Lao being a common language in China. Was the Lao language a part of the culture Lauren Tom grew up with, or did she learn it later in life?
  6. Nah, I'm on the look out for an affordable apartment. But affordable in this state? El-Oh-El on me.
  7. Street Fighter VI: Fighting Street II!
  8. Coincidence? I think not!
  9. "Banjo" actually seems like it would be a good name for a dog. 😆
  10. Oh wow, an incredibly biased and opinionated post on a cartoon message board offshoot. Please, tell us more.
  11. This is so heavily censored I have no fucking idea what it is or what the non-censored part means. What is this, Project Bluebook?
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