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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Has the right wing media told Junior to shut up and drive yet? Oh, because he's a right winger he gets to speak his mind, gotcha.
  2. Has anybody had the idea to send all unwanted newborn babies to Abbott's house yet? Someone feel free to post this all over social media.
  3. It's kinda funny sponges, because obviously your views and ideals are very liberal, but the manner in which you argue politics these days is textbook conservative.
  4. I just assumed it was an otomonapea (I don't even begin to know how to spell that). I'm pretty sure poop is.
  5. Does the UK have the hippocratic oath for the doctors of their country? Because this sure as fuck violates our hippocratic oath.
  6. Happy birthday Odin! Happy birthday Fox!
  7. It was really her birthday? Since it said she was 80 I figured she put a fake birthdate in there (the whole date, not just the year). Well happy belated birthday!
  8. One of my fb friends that I barely know irl shared this meme.... Am I the only one who thinks it looks like Zeni? @Ric can you shine any light on this? Is this Zeni?
  9. I got this one to work but I had to delete the google stuff from the URL.
  10. Am I the only one this link is borked for? When I click it the URL changes to: And takes me to a page of CSS code. I'm using Chrome.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. I was more in to the Victoria's Secret catalogue, myself....
  13. Wow. Glad everything turned out alright. Pretty bizarre to think what motivation a homeless crackhead would have for attempting to blow up a convenience store.
  14. Triple digits every day this week, a couple times exceeding 110. Next week it's supposed to be double digits, thank the lord. Did anyone hear Death Valley hit a record 127 a couple days ago?
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