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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Is solely responsible for the creation of the Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks.
  2. 21 Century Anxiety Man!
  3. Is the one that ACTUALLY invented the question mark.
  4. I actually haven't gotten the error in a while.
  5. Doesn't know I tried to buy a souvenir nose flute during a visit to Hawaii.... The last one they had at whatever tourist destination it was was missing a component. I did try to play it though, for real. * I did end up getting it too, just with the missing component so it doesn't work.
  6. Doesn't know there's such a thing as a nose flute.
  7. I was specifically talking about That_one_guy since I don't know KatEyes very well, but she is more than welcome to return too.
  8. Yeah, right? So, logically, wouldn't "an history/historic" be grammatically incorrect? I'm not British, I don't say history as 'istory.
  9. How is "an historic" even correct grammar? @nameraka you're an English teacher, right?
  10. Hey guys, remember when COVID hit us and everybody panic bought toilet paper, and everyone else rightfully called them all retarded assholes?
  11. The song that starts with "Day-o!"
  12. Now SHE claps for the shoe hands.
  13. Highly HIGHLY disagree. Trying to click the dot that takes you to the latest reply in a thread is a fucking bitch on mobile. Plus it almost never even takes you to the newest reply, you STILL have to hunt for it.
  14. You're only a few years younger than me. You look WAY younger.
  15. So what do you got against Chong?
  16. Better than what Shinji did.
  17. Well you can rest easy that the way you grew up is normal for people younger than you.
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