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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Fuck no, then we'd probably get like, killer mosquitos instead.
  2. I'll split the difference and say Darkplace was great but Look Around You was garbage.
  3. Anyone recognize where this death metal band might've got their name from?
  4. I'm assuming it has something to do with [she who shall not be named].
  5. So are Disco and Gemini lovers, then?
  6. Because you gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
  7. You ever have Ben and Jerry's Tiramisu ice cream? Great stuff.
  8. We've been getting a little sprinkling of rain here and there, and considering where I am and what time of year it is, that's comparatively Noah caliber flooding.
  9. Those are really good.
  10. Some of us are stuck in the past where streaming anything was a pointless endeavor.
  11. And so hamburgers made of sand, slip into the sea, eventualee-ee-ee......
  12. Happy birthday spinning taco man!
  13. Hm, well then "whoops" from me to Pat then.
  14. Wasn't that one of the accounts spamming in an Asian language?
  15. ............. Pretty sure I reported Mattoholics' accounts last night or another night?.... He had several and I only reported three, because I seem to recall either you or katt saying it's annoying when people report every offending post from one offender at the same time because you guys will find the other offending posts yourselves in your quest to find the context... So by the time buddy capped this, why was Mattaholic not dealt with?
  16. Man, even though Bud Light caved to the pressure and removed that design from the cans, and STILL they are reacting like this? LOL
  17. There's a guy who briefly played in Dethklok's live lineup named Pete Griffin. https://www.metal-archives.com/artists/Pete_Griffin/606532#artist_tab_live
  18. Kudos were a lot better when they were completely covered with a layer of chocolate, like a candy bar.
  19. Serious question: Does the edible high ever give you the munchies?
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