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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I saw a funny ass meme on Cover Band Central involving 60s Spider-Man and the 7 modes while I was at work and wanted to post it here when I got home, but apparently I can only see their sponsored posts as I'm not a member of the group and can't just go down their wall.
  2. You have no idea how much sugar I eat. 😁 My job actually keeps me very active and thin though. The next time I switch jobs I'll most likely need a serious lifestyle change though.
  3. Not sure I ever heard of people eating guinea pigs. But why not, I guess.
  4. A little music humor: Don't think I've ever heard of pianist bullies though.... First time for everything I guess.
  5. That makes me think of the opening theme of Death Note.
  6. I wonder if geocities and angelfire are still around.
  7. Benji is not even close to the first person I heard the "oral fixation" explanation from. Also these ideas I'm just spit balling and literally asking you guys to tell me I'm stupid.
  8. No lie, I eat ice cream like three days a week every week.
  9. Some people do chew on pens/pencils as some kind of habit. If part of the appeal of smoking is the oral fixation (as benji said), trading one dumb vice that will probably kill you for another dumb vice that.... I have no idea if it can kill you.
  10. Fair enough. The only "genre" I care about that gets radio play is classic rock. But so many decades of THE SAME GOD DAMN 1-3 SONGS OF THE SAME GODDAMN BANDS WITH THE ADDED NEWER BANDS THAT I HATE FROM MY TEEN YEARS EVERY MOTHER FUCKING DAY got reaaaaaaal old. I couldn't take it anymore, lol. If you got wider genre/decade preferences I could see radio not getting irritating yet.
  11. Ah. That makes sense. Although, unless you felt like you were on the verge of puking or fainting, I would've put my ice cream in the freezer before lying down.
  12. Here's another idea that might also be way too stupid to be viable: Take up chewing a pen instead. Yeah, that's also a pretty bad habit, but is it as bad as smoking/vaping?
  13. I mean I guess.... If you use spotify you could probably make yourself a long ass playlist to shuffle through while driving and you wouldn't have to touch anything. But I'm too lazy to make playlists, so maybe you are too. I don't even use spotify, I burn my CDs to iTunes then put them on my iPhone. I might just put on an album or shuffle my whole collection.
  14. How the fuck sleep deprived do you have to be to fall asleep with ice cream out ready to eat and you just conk out and let it melt?
  15. There's no need anyway, benji perfectly explained why it's dumb. Even taking away the oral fixation part.
  16. Sometimes it's like musket is a bot. Honestly I prefer this kind of bot-like posting to unending unlabeled graphs.
  17. Also, I love that quote from the Truth commercials about vaping: "That's metal.... in your lungs!" Because with that pause, that sounds like something you'd exclaim while holding your hand like this: \m/
  18. This is exactly what I needed. I knew my idea was stupid.
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