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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Thank you, found it. On closer inspection, there are no grunts, just Japanese words and the English word "Rise!"
  2. You know that opening theme from Naruto that would play before every episode at the beginning of the series when shown on CN or AS? It had vocalizations of grunts like "AH" "UH" and some heavy metal shred guitar? Did just dream that up, because according to youtube that was never a Naruto opening theme. This is all I can find for any Naruto opening: What the flying fuck happened to the one CN and AS played all the time?
  3. I don't know, who was the last person to perve yours?
  4. ghostrek is old hat, whatever this clusterfuck we have going on now is what's happening.
  6. Who am I to deny them their identity?
  7. No, no no no no..... its the outfit that makes it french, they don't have to be french in literally any other way. They can be Swiss and speak Greek, it doesn't matter.
  8. No, they don't have to be french. Once they dawn the outfit, they BECOME French!
  9. You should have him grill you some steak instead.
  10. Yes, that's what makes them a french maid.... nationality be damned.
  11. Why? So he can cook you some burgers on the stove?
  12. Nah, I got a french maid lined up for that.
  13. Oh, I'll shake it a lot more than that.
  14. How do you get it out? Cut the top of the jug off? Or is it really runny enough to pour out like a liquid?
  15. Cinnamon Toast Fuck works too.
  16. Boob Berry.....?
  17. Fucking Charms.
  18. Mount Chocula.
  19. I think that would work better with Fozzy Bear.
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Althaea_officinalis
  21. Ackshually.... what we traditionally call marshmallows aren't even ACTUAL marshmallows.
  22. Sesame Street died on that day. If they wanted to influence kids to have better eating habits, they should've just created a new muppet called Veggie Monster and left Cookie Monster alone.
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