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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Probably, but you must run into this message constantly: Your post reads like you don't know what I'm talking about but you can't possibly not know what I'm talking about.
  2. Why, once upon a time, was everyone so up in arms about Internet cookies again? It's getting old every time I click on a site THIS SITE USES COOKIES. I AGREE.
  3. I don't recognize any single one of those names. Wondering if the meme maker pulled a fast one and just pulled them all out of their ass.
  4. How the fuck was he 79? He looks closer to 49. Anyway, RIP.
  5. So what are the rules regarding female nipples?
  6. Is that April O'Neil?
  7. Does the typical Metallica fan look like this again? I remember when people who look like that turned on Metallica because the jocks and the preps were now(then) fans of Metallica. Has it come full circle?
  8. Cau's a cool guy....girl.... thingie....whatever.
  9. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  10. Someone please tell me this isn't real.
  11. Aw come on, don't make me google this shit. I have no idea what this is about.
  12. And the only prescription is more Cau thread.
  13. I'd just rather wear a t-shirt and shorts/slacks.
  14. I could've SWORN when I was researching it when I was eligible I found a place giving the J&J which I wanted, so I schedule it, and when I go, SURPRISE, it's moderna. Oh well. Good enough.
  15. "Jimmys Johns" "Yous gots Davids Coppersfields in theres?????"
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