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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. I watched that movie for free n was still mad at how bad it was.
  2. You can't tell me what to do!!
  3. Be honest. How was it?
  4. With a fork and a bottle of A1
  5. Na I know a guy who's last name is Johnson. Last thing I wanna picture while doing anything with my dick.
  6. No need to exsplain...who hasn't done that? I use gi Joe's uniform n call mine gi hoe.
  7. Yea that doesn't sound more messed up and pathetic at all. Your putting you child's name on a message board litterly anyone can get ahold of n a little digging through your post history can easily get your name n where u are since u love talking Bout yourself. Putting yourself at risk is on u...u don't do that to a kid much less yours.....sorry I'm a decent parent n u obviously need help.
  8. Guilty untill proven innocent. That's how sjws are doing it these days.
  9. The one with black hands on the left. It's more fun to make people figure it out.
  10. The KKK all the way on the one side is black.....why does that bother me the most?
  11. I'm not saying no
  12. Half assing red dead online. Playing the crew 2. Need to start monster Hunter world soon
  13. Mines s red Arabian so I named him jafar. It's only a little racist
  14. Screw the holidays. Raw dog it
  15. It can never be enough. I still can't see a Tootsie roll without wanting to vomit
  16. U mean traumatized. Ive seen the fuggscave...I've worked hard repressing that memory.
  17. U look like Oprah's really pissed off great grandmother
  18. Anyone play online on ps4? We can troll i mean roll together
  19. Well fook me. I wanna play it but no PS3 anymore
  20. Why is that in your search history? Wtf is wrong with you? Dicks, chicks with dicks, pee,scat,furry whatever ur into is fine...not that tho.
  21. Your not zeni or fuggs. Jeff?
  22. Most accurate thing I've ever seen
  23. I'd hit it. See him can keep him in the air the longest.
  24. Shut up n get back here for the cuddles
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