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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. Quickdraw McGraw is better
  2. Take a copy of your uncleared browser history. They respect the balls.....the old wrinkled ones in your search history at least.
  3. Happy birfday!!! It's good enough for frosty it's good enough for u.
  4. Mmmm ripe
  5. He's got anger issues that's for sure. Maybe he needs some anger management..or a cat
  6. No they used lanterns.....much better
  7. Krampus is kinky like that..he isn't complaining.
  8. U should not be using ur kids name on this site. Most of u will never know my kids name. It's called parenting. You don't even have to be a good one to know this.
  9. A worse version of lust
  10. God hates me n insomnia is a bitch who likes to torture me.
  11. Geneva convention.
  12. Ur fine..no camera is good enough to pick up something that small. Hell a telescope couldn't find that thing.
  13. Cah knows..n it's never wrong
  14. You ain't never missed a meal. Who u kidding?
  15. We're finally fucking the fear turkey. Yes!!!
  16. Sleep is magic
  17. Spiderman n eithier the crew 2 or monster Hunter world.
  18. Asking at a chicken joint is probably mistake A. Being picky and wanting top shelf when ur barely off the floor n on the lowest shelf is definitely B tho.
  19. I is winner?
  20. U might be a pedo. It's ok to date older people
  21. Happy birfday
  22. Not my proudest fap
  23. Want me to rub it for u?
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