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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. All I can see when I hear that song is supernatural.
  2. No!!! We lost one lads
  3. I've had take me home tonight stuck in mine for like 3 weeks. N no one will take me home no matter how much I sing it.
  4. Try anything twice Tuesday!!
  5. I only do when asked. Plus I don't have 5
  6. Can get some of my hooha
  7. Not pointing fingers but..... No one's here when YOU are,just a thought.
  8. Not well...... Like really badly
  9. Wow sponges. U fuck the fear turkey don't ya?
  10. Some things never go outs style. Like liquor
  11. If it's not kagome naked then go the fuck on with that shit. If it is...two tickets please
  12. Faker!!!
  13. Lonely and depressed. Pretty safe bet
  14. Xanatos

    So tired

    Now I want pie
  15. He's in rouge's basement. Tied up. Stop searching
  16. I like you. Your good people
  17. Let's watch ghost stories instead. English dub It's free, work YouTube people
  18. Who
  19. Your yum.
  20. Nothing a little a1 sauce won't cure
  21. Black Friday For broke folk.
  22. Now I'm hungry
  23. I mean if you really wanna know....I've tried a few.... lithium doesn't agree with me..welbutrin gave me seizures, lexipro has been ok.. not as less moody as I'd like...there was a few others but it's hit or miss and Dr changes em every few weeks so I stopped keeping track.
  24. That is a very long conversation between me and my shrink.
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