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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. She's not his GF.. She's a prostitute. He pays her for sex That is litterly the whole song in a nushell
  2. That your bf shoves in you.
  3. Yes your dating pool dies off. Poor dogs
  4. It's like when a new game system comes out. When you don't have one you drool and fantasize about everyone else's.
  5. And you wanna bang it. Then scream at it for being better at gta
  6. Everyday I'd waifu day. Ur gonna get fake divorced if u only love her one day a week
  7. U gotta write real small..there's not much surface space
  8. Xanatos

    I had bugs

    Fire...fire is the cure. 🔥
  9. U give a whole new meaning to blow job. I hope his helium cum fucks ur voice up.
  10. Oh yeah I sell ur pube pets to a sushi place 3 or 4 times n I'm a bad Dr all the sudden. He's gonna leave you for a balloon
  11. Ur his kind of pretty.
  12. There's some weird bumps n rashes down here sir. N more crabs then a red lobster.
  13. That's code for still in the closet. Just come out..u can store your fashion collection in there then.
  14. Everyone just got stuff. Robbing and theft season has just begun. Putting ur game system,tv or exspensive electronics boxes outside for trash is best way yo get targeted. Sneak it into your neighbors trash.
  15. Unless ur in butt fuck nowhere China they speak English...u can be dam sure anyone 20 or under does. I lived in Beijing so yes teir 1 city but I went all over to many teir 2 n 3 city's. Only place I ever saw their English wasn't good was an old fishing village of about 2,000 people...and they were one of the so behind the times places a laowhy still can't get a hotel room in the area. Edit. Laowhy is what they call a foreigner or outsider...it's what you will be called on a regular basis in China...sorry using it's a habit.
  16. 3 months short
  17. Then u can't afford a game system. Add on online service as well. And the games may be physically smaller but the content is so much bigger then a ds could ever hope to hold
  18. No that's a Xmas thing. Do it anyway
  19. Psp is last gen n u can get one for $20 easy Vita was new one but it's out dated n not supported anymore. Get one $100-$200 depending how big of a sucker you are. Switch is only 2 years old n is $300 firm. Get a bundle it's not a bad deal...if you can't afford the $300 buy in for the system you can't afford to play it do best to avoid it all honesty....gaming is exspensive.
  20. 1. It's inaccurate as hell. Chinese people are taught English from a very young age and are criticized heavily if they don't get it right or dam near close. Good rule of thumb..if their over 50 they don't know a word of English n won't learn and probably hate your laowhy ass. If there 30-50 they understand enough but aren't fluent. Under 30. They probably speak better English then you. They don't like to speak it to laowhy cause they have confidence problems and are afraid to get it wrong. 2. The sterotype lives on cause they don't know about it ( great firewall of China and all) and if they did they don't care...they give no fucks about pc shit n are openly racist. Source..not a weeb ...lived in China and moving back again soon.
  21. Dam it...on one hand I wanna be mean. On the other it's Xmas. Fuck it...your mom's a wise lady. Grinch it mfers
  22. There's a nice place in hell for you. Right beside me
  23. I hate u all. Cept you..your ok Frieza day
  24. Your GF? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  25. I could stand to hear a little more
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