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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. Is there maybe a shorter version of this rant?
  2. Happy birthday!! It's a great excuse to drink...even this early
  3. Pepridge farms does
  4. I did that yesterday and you still haven't replied. Rude
  5. Wait.....fuggs is a women?!!!! Next you'll tell me the slimes in ff are to.
  6. You stay away from elementary schools n you won't have that problem
  7. Lazy lizard ain't gonna do shit. No that geiko one is the one u gotta watch out for
  8. Not gonna lie. Dissipointed it wasn't a bad dragon or furry suit or something
  9. Just remember to give it back to the aholes who gave it you. Fairs fair
  10. Your gonna make a great gyno one day.
  11. Look u racist tootsie roll vag thot wanna be. Even white people get b.e.t. Creep means he's cheating on someone...again he said desperate fools who cant find a hole for their diseased filled dick. That's you.
  12. I hope you like dick. It's all they offer where your gonna end up.
  13. Fucking perfect. Get this man a beer!! 🍺
  14. Dam it..u said you were handling this Hansen.
  15. So she already got u beat by 5 grades.
  16. He did..reread it
  17. Right? She thinks she single handedly ended bad service and showed that Burger King who's the boss. Like she's Tony danza or some shit
  18. Xanatos

    I'm moving

    Hahahahaha Bitch better know how to do the dishes
  19. This...dam it I need red dead people
  20. Dam her judge of character is spot on.
  21. Pretty sure the first time I ever saw you Chris Hanson was telling you to have a seat. Laughs were had by all.
  22. I pictured fuggs wearing this. What did I ever do to you to deserve this?!!!!!
  23. Pretty sure it's an act. But Sasha stay away your too good to be around him.
  24. The fact you have to ask proves you are.
  25. How are you not on like 10 different watch list?
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