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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. I would like everyone who has gotten a bad hand and made a few bad choices which aren't irredeemable to get a chance to better themselves and come back into society. I've been critical of unnecessary incarcerations for non-violent offenders and extremely disproportionate sentencing practices for very minor violent offences (like this one) for years. So I hope you're not insinuating that I wan't this guy or anyone of any color to spend the rest of their lives in prison, because I certainly do not.
  2. Hopefully he can turn his life around after prison. Getting off the drugs will likely help significantly.
  3. Good to know the never ending barage of shitty new age religion and vague hokey horseshit is still going strong these days. Would hate for people to stop taking intellectual short cuts in understanding the workings of the surrounding universe.
  4. Why... why would you do this.
  5. Oh yes you could definitely be the less prolific male version of Fuggs if you really give it your all... 😉
  6. I feel like this is the kind of meme that has the potential to be some kind of CIA psyop. Working with social media to collect data on how fast an artificially constructed meme could spread under the right conditions.
  7. I have a total of 2 people blocked on this site, one called me a fag as a direct insult and the other suggested people give him ideas to make rape fantasy fictions about me. I don't just block random people for no reason.
  8. I don't have to try to be bitchy. I am like entropy.
  9. Yes this sounds like a good deal....
  10. I would watch a star trek fan film from you if you made one. Go make that happen.
  11. Molestation when I was 8. Other than that I've broken a few bones before doing male things.
  12. I would have broken his hand personally. I have very little patience for this sort of thing.
  13. What the cinnamon toast fuck did I just read? Why are you friends with a terrorist exactly?
  14. That honestly sounds gross. But I'll take your word for it.
  15. I mean you're like 30 something so. Could just be you don't have as much in common with 18 year olds anymore.
  16. Oh they picked up this show? Man I remember binging the first season of this when it first came out. I don't usually like shonen hybrids like this series but this one was very well done. It's full of fan service though (both female and male if I'm recalling correctly), so some people will likely be turned off by that others will love it.
  17. Well sometimes it's just good to have a funtime hobby. Though the option is always open to parley it into a side income if you want, which is just a straight up win-win situation.
  18. It's an unusually well written shonen, I say unusual in terms of today's standards where most of them are harem oriented isekai garbage. This is one of the best new ones I've seen in a while, it's a bit on the dark side in some parts which fits well with what Toonami likes to air normally. The animation is also very good.
  19. They have alot of corn, that leaves open alot of potential partners.
  20. I might pop in to give you another view if I see you on next time. I'm sure with your other fandom already in place you could probably make money at it if you really wanted to. I've seen a couple of pornstars that do Twitch on the side before had a bunch of views. Watched one once, but I don't recall now was over a year ago.
  21. What do you play on it?
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