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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Have you considered an online TV subscription service instead? It might be cheaper. I do agree that rent is ridiculous right now in this current state.
  2. It's more that I just started my exercise routine again... the lack of calories with workouts make it worse. I'm practically dying. But hey, I'll soon have abs and buns of steel, so...
  3. Oh were you a naughty boy or something? I don't keep up with drama from here, other than that narcissist Fuggs being banned. I heard about that peripherally. You're more than welcome to join on discord at any time. I was just talking to Pat yesterday about possibly getting an add on to integrate it more with the boards. But that would take time and effort.
  4. Ohhhhh, I was wondering who you were. XD I literally just popped back in today. Someone linked me a post to check from here, and I was like: "Do I have to? :( " I've always hated my body, but this is more about me feeling healthier than anything. Prettiness is a secondary benefit.
  5. I've lost too much weight already, it's too late for that my dude.
  6. I'm so hungry, I could bore a hole in the earth, like a diglet. đŸ˜”
  7. I never said it wasn't racist rhetoric, is that why you're so upset? My point has nothing to do with that. There are many different types of racist rhetoric and ideology that exist, surely you know this, I would be surprised if you didn't know this. My point was in the specific details in how they are different. Neocons aren't race realist, but they could very well still hold racist views, in fact many do and it tends to come in the form of American Imperialism because they are big fans of spreading democracy to cultures in the middle east. That said, you won't find Neocons talking about the genetic inferiority of black people as it relates to IQ quotients that is rather specific to the race realists, which is an ideology that is well known, which is popular among neo-nazis and the alt-right. I'm not sure what you mean by empathy. You seem to be suggesting that I don't empathize with those affected by racist rhetoric which is just not true. It is for that very reason I think it is very important to understand precisely what racist people believe and espouse otherwise you can not combat it effectively and you certainly can not have a genuine argument with those people.
  8. Living in a state of denial about what exactly? You are just wrong, Ben Shapiro is not alt-right his view of the world is entirely different it doesn't matter what the end result is. Again this is like saying that progressives and liberals are the same because they share some overlap, it's simply false. Of course if you have video or text from Shapiro espousing a white ethnostate or race realist rhetoric then I will change my mind, I don't think you'll find such things considering he's an orthodox jew but I'll be willing to listen if you have something to show. Your reasoning is reductive, and it is important to distinguish core beliefs between different factions of any world view be it religious, political, or philosophical, otherwise you can not accurately address what they are espousing.
  9. The neocons have been around since the 80s, I didn't name any of these I'm just describing what they believe in that is different from eachother. Things like race realism are very specific and core to the alt-right, Ben Shapiro as loathsome as he may be is not a race realist and has nothing to do with the Alt-Right. This is as reductive as saying there is no difference between a liberal and a progressive in the Democrat party.
  10. Shapiro isn't alt right, he's a neocon that is also a social conservative. Neocons and alt right factions hate eachother. Alt right faction is specifically people espousing things like race realism, mgtow, or the new neonazis (for example Nick Feuntes). These people are alt right which is entirely different from the type of bullshit that Ben Shapiro is. It's important to distinguish these factions because their views on key issues are very different and they will likely get upset if you conflate the two which destroys any argument being had usually. Also, it's nice to know what brand of bs your talking about. There are really three major factions in the current Republican party. Neocons: big warhawks, they've never seen a town in the middle east they don't want to drone strike. These people typically really love Israel and talk about it like it's part of our country. They are the George W Bush era "spread democracy" types. Also typically are in bed with big business. Other examples include John Bolton, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Sean Hannity. Nationalist Libertarians: these are people like Charlie Kirk, Dave Ruben, and all the Turning Point USA people. They are basically socially liberals on most issues, some are prolife though. They are a kind of new thing that has formed out of the Trump political grab. Basically a mix of populism, nationalism, and some libertarian ideology. They usually are focused on economic issues and stopping illegal immigration. These are the "Build the Wall" types. Typically these are younger Republicans, Genx, millenials, and some GenZ. Most of Trumps base is this category imo. Alt-Right/New-Right. Technically these two monikers are slightly different but they are close enough that I consider them together. These are people like Nick Fuentes, Stefan Molyneux, and Richard Spencer. They talk a lot about race, they espouse Neonazi-like (or are Neonazi themselves like David Duke for instance). They tend to be as obsessed with Israel as the Neoconservatives only in the opposite direction. Many of them openly advocate banning all immigration, not just deporting illegal immigrants. They advocate things like making the US a white ethnostate in order to preserve culture and prevent a so called white genocide. And a lot of them are race realists which is pseudo science which seeks to legitimize the idea that non white people have lower IQs or tend to be naturally more violent than white people. There are a few other minor factions but these three are the biggest republican factions atm.
  11. This and the Slut Dragons episode were my two favorites from the season thus far.
  12. I am a sadomasochist, but not big on sharing. So no to the former and yes to the later.
  13. If up you're into sci-fi, they have the expanse and man in the high castle, if your into comic's and parodis they also have the tick.
  14. @Katya_Hiki Happy Belated. Good to see you back.
  15. I read it like: Catch-elors. This now makes a bit more sense.
  16. Is this a mononym for single pokemon trainers looking for love?
  17. https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/lightsensitive.htm
  18. This is at least semi-accurate. Shame there is no facial hair options. I do love those suspenders though.
  19. I'm not trying to be anal, I just don't like rape jokes personally. But comedy is subjective I guess.
  20. It wasn't fuggs who made the rape joke, she was talking about consensual sex. It was the other dude.
  21. I'm sure there is quite a bit of consensual gay sex in prisons, but that is irrelevant to the way the post I was responding too was worded. It seemingly implied that he should be raped.
  22. Because the government keeps detailed statistical records on the numbers of reported allegations of sexual assaults in prisons. https://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=6311
  23. One that replaces the banana with a dick. All relevant toppings till included of course. Wouldn't want the fudge too hot though for obvious reasons.
  24. It certainly seemed implied. It is the old tired joke about prison that he seemed to be alluding too. Most sexual relations in prison qualify as rape.
  25. Prison Rape is definitely a funny thing...
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