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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Sandstone


  2. Zeni is like Ariel Castro, if he wasn't good at kidnapping women.
  3. Yes you are flaming.
  4. I'm a patron, a slut would be you who asked for freebies instead of chatting him up first politely.
  5. If you want to experiment with private shows first, let me know. I'll pay well. ;D
  6. I'd give tips... >___>
  7. OMG first Rogue now you're hassling him for his weiner pics. Skiles your dick is a true star.
  8. I read that as enter and educate the first time....
  9. No Skiles, I just assumed yours was bigger than most.
  10. Thank you I always wondered.
  11. I won't be on very much the next week or so. My psychiatrist has adjusted my medication levels, but these things take time to readjust. I've had blood tests done to make sure things are not in the danger zone just to be sure.
  12. I'm sure Rainteacher would put some ads up here for his inventions if you asked nicely.
  13. Yeah this might be a better idea actually.
  14. I'll disable my ad block for the site if you want to do that and it's not like all over the page.
  15. Sorry, I'm now drugged and also about one or two steps removed from mochi when it comes to shipping gay pairs. I apologize. Lights out for me.
  16. There's about 10 jokes in there all of which would probably get someone tumblr sued.
  17. As a fellow man I can't not say those words have never come out of my mouth, only swap the gender.
  18. I had no idea you two were partners. Well best kept secrets and all that.
  19. Ok why do the women seem to always be the ones doing the planning for those?
  20. Wait you're together with Katt_Goddess?
  21. You should definitely take them to court.
  22. I never really got all the hate for Jesus. He's actually the best part of that whole religion, not the greatest but most of what he taught was pretty good. It's all the other shit his disciples and the hangers on said that really fucks it up, and well all the stuff before he got there too.
  23. It's a series on FX about Vampires that have lived together for a long time, unless she's referring to another show by the same name I'm not aware of. It's pretty good, but then I'm not a giant fan of vampire fiction in general, it's kind of overdone and my favorite works involving vampires have long since been written and read.
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