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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. wow ok let kill poepel
  2. Shh...You're destroying his self-aggrandizing narrative.
  3. It all makes sense now.
  4. I'm sorry. I was watching Deadpool for the seventh time. What did you say again?
  5. Yeah...about that? Survey says no, you're not.
  6. Or here's a thought: Why not try, you know, not being an asshole to people on here? (Wait. That's too much to ask of you. Nevermind.)
  7. PS2: 1. ESPN NFL 2K5 2. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns 3. Grand Theft Auto Vice City 4. NCAA Football '10 (Well, any of them, but especially this one.) 5. Tony Hawk Underground
  8. Sounds neat. Also, hey. Also, bummer about the bronchitis. Hope you get to feeling better.
  9. I hope she makes the starting lineup. Her form is top notch.
  10. I farted and it smelled like death.
  11. wow okay let party
  12. Christian McCaffrey is clearly not human! Holy crap! (I know I'm a day late, but I just saw the point total he got for me and Good Lord, he's a beast! If he hadn't been on my fantasy team, sahockeygirl would clearly be winning this one this week. Goodness gracious sake's alive!)
  13. All I know is my Texans are in 1st place in the AFC South.
  14. So probably when you're wide awake and drinking, right? XD
  15. Watching All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite on Xfinity OnDemand.
  16. lol what the fuck is that?
  17. Happy Birthday, Scoob!
  18. O Nabraniel, Lord of All Trash, we praise thy holy name. Give us this day our daily month-old bread. I'm only kiddin'.
  19. I love Back to the Future. One of my favorites. Now for bad movies, I warch Mystery Science Theater 3000. Hilarious!
  20. Relaxing after doing some stuff around the house.
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