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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I've never played Magic the Gathering. I've tried to ask a couple friends to teach me back when it first came out, but they just blew me off. Needless to say, we haven't spoken since high school.
  2. Practice speaking in front of the mirror.
  3. I agree. It's not a path to tread with reckless abandon.
  4. That's actually very cool. When did you get that made?
  5. As opposed to being naked and afraid? I'll take it.
  6. I bought Comfort Eagle when I was in college. Cool little album.
  7. Well, I clearly love Clerks. One of my favorite movies of all time.. I also meant I enjoyed the Jumangi movie you posted.
  8. If you get Perrier, stay away from the strawberry flavor. It tastes like flat beer.
  9. This. VitaminWater is pretty good. So is Propel.
  10. I love drinking water. Maybe a little too much. (Seriously, I was pretty active growing up and I was told to drink plenty of water. So I did. Plus, I thought it was refreshing, especially considering it was well water. I still happily drink about a gallon a day.)
  11. Wait. I didn't do anything. >_>
  12. I'll stick to thermal and flannel pajamas. Thanks.
  13. I think he's just hungry. Poor kid. Where's his mother when he needs to be fed?
  14. Yes. Yes, it's sports-related. But it could also mean...something...else. lol
  15. I was taught to put the biscuit in the basket, if you know what I mean.
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