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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Let me blow raspberries on her hoohah.
  2. That explains so much. Thanks for the info.
  3. They do seem pretty similar.
  4. So ghostrek old or Kenworth old?
  5. wow ok let party
  6. What's odd is Viper thinks I'm zeni. Lol
  7. Stilgar =/= Viperslayer.
  8. I ain't your pedophile boyfriend. My name is actually Evan.
  9. Yeah, I ain't that fucking pedophile, viper. Insult me like that again and I'll come to your town and fuck you up so bad you won't be able to see past the bruises on your face. Do you get me, motherfucker?
  10. Okay. And how does that make you feel?
  11. "I pooped my pants last night, pre-flight..."
  12. I'm not your friend, buddy. "I'm not your buddy, guy!" "I'm not your guy, friend"
  13. Someone was gonna make the joke. Might as well have been me.
  14. I guess you got that thicc thing goin' on, girl! Work it! (Wait. Did I really say that?) (Yes. Yes, I did. So work it!)
  15. Good rule to live by, homey!
  16. I mean seriously, those fountains can be utilized as bidets. No wiping required. (lol j/k. I'd need to bring toilet paper and/or wipes with me. I don't like bidets.)
  17. This is how the Democrat nominee should be chosen. I'd actually watch that. Could you imagine all the crazy shit they'd have to do in order to stay on the island they'd be stranded on? Oh, the possibilities.
  18. I hope so. XD
  19. What the fuck? He really does that? Son of a bitch. Why do we keep getting crazy mofos up in here? (And why do I keep changing how I type on this damn board? WHY? WHY?) (Oh, yeah. Because I'm bored. lulz)
  20. The correct answer is "I lay down beside Katie Vick."
  21. See? I'm right about the difference in spelling. I have an aunt named Lora who's awesome as hell. Of course, one of my childhood friends has a stepmom named Laura, and she's cray-cray. It does matter. (Though I will say one of my best friends growing up has a wife named Laura, and she's actually chill as hell.)
  22. Amy. That was my high school sweetheart's name. Every Amy I meet where the name isn't short for anything reminds me of her, and I fucking hate her. Also, Laura. (Spelled just like that. Lora is fine.)
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