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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. He doesn't care that I'm not voting at all. If he did, he wouldn't have downvoted me. lol
  2. I think Kirsten Gillibrand is pretty cute. Her politics is a major turn-off for me, though. I'm more of a small government guy.
  3. Sorry, pooh. Hope y'all do better next week. Also, what a defensive showcase the Jaguars vs. Texans game was yesterday. Both QB's were under enormous pressure throughout the entire game. It really could've gone either way. Finally, Odell Beckham, Jr. is still among the best wide receivers in the game today. He netted me 36.10 points and put me over the top against panic in our Fantasy league matchup this week. That's right! I'm 2-0, baby!
  4. That's so messed up. Why? Who in their right mind would make such a drink? Good God Almighty!
  5. I just bought some craft soda from Germany. It's called Afri Cola. I have to say it's pretty good. Kinda tastes like Jones Cola, which is my favorite craft soda. Do y'all like craft soda? If so, what are your favorites? Also, there's a poll. Please answer if you want. Thanks.
  6. It's been how many years? Damn, son.
  7. Take it to Rants! (j/k)
  8. I love shooting hoops. I don't care if it takes me a while to make a shot. It takes my mind off of things that may be bothering me, even for just a little while.
  9. I love how this looks. But the price... 😭
  10. I thought this said "I bought coke (as in cocaine) for our President" and laughed when I realized I had read it wrong. #runonsentence
  11. I want to get another midsize truck, and while I like the new Ford Ranger Raptor, it's too much money. Same with the Chevy Colorado. And I don't want a Tacoma. It wastes too much gas. So...Nissan Frontier, it is. >_> Sorry.
  12. Nice! I think I know what my next car's gonna be then. (A Nissan Frontier. lol)
  13. That is my RAV4. It's an '08 with nearly 150,000 miles on it. I will definitely need to get a new car in the next couple years, but not right now.
  14. Neat. Just found out it's gonna be around $90. Need to get the splitter valve to the windshield wiper fluid assembly replaced. (But we knew about that for a long time; someone finally took the time to take a look at it.) That added another $25. Oh, well. I thought it was gonna be a lot worse. lol
  15. Good luck. Not that you need it because from what I remember of you, you're quite photogenic. You should do fine.
  16. Usually around $60 or $70, but sometimes a hell of a lot more. It really depends on what all needs to be done to it.
  17. Pooping and getting my car serviced. lol
  18. I'm at the Toyota place in Baytown getting the oil changed in my RAV4. Also, they're rotating the tires and running it through the car wash. Can I go back to not being an adult, please? (lol no. I absolutely love driving.)
  19. CBS Radio's Farrell on the Bench (hosted by the gravel-voiced Scott Farrell) said that he thought Cam looked horrible. That he was pretty much shot. (I'm not sure, but you never know.) That, and as a result, they looked very one-dimensional due to the fact they couldn't get the running game going, especially Christian McCaffrey. He was limited to just 53 total yards, which includes 37 rushing yards on 16 carries and 16 receiving yards on two catches (but he was targeted 6 times). That's clearly not good. I mean he clearly had a chance to win the game, but he got stuffed on a goal line stand. When the defense knows you're going to run it close to the end zone, that's when you need to call either a bubble screen or what I like to call a tight-end spread pass involving some play action. (I admit it doesn't always work, but if they're expecting run, you should be able to catch them off guard with some play action and throw a touchdown pass to an open wide out, tight end, or offensive back.)
  20. I did not remember that. Good memory, man.
  21. I'd rather had gotten the Green Bay defense, but at least I was able to dump Jacksonville. Oh, and I also got Keenum as my backup now. (I know, I know. He's streaky.) As for A.B., I wish he had stuck with singing. He was on the Masked Singer during its debut season. lol Scope: LEL!
  22. You just love the attention, regardless of whether it's positive or negative. It's cool. The Lakers are a flagship franchise. Sixteen NBA championships, Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, Magic, Kareem, Kobe, Shaq, the NBA Logo (Jerry West), Showtime, blah blah blah. We get it. There are twenty-nine other teams in the league, you know. We deserve some love, too.
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