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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Yes. So many eyes have needed bleach due to that...thing!
  2. I'm a little confused now, too. What just happened? XD
  3. Nothing wrong with that. Just keep on being you.
  4. Sending good thoughts and prayers to midnight. Come on, dude. Take it to rants.
  5. This is the perfect response to any and all Tic threads. Well done, friend.
  6. Yes, I do. Green and blue. Green because of my heritage; blue because of, well, my heritage. (Plus, I look damn good in it.) I find both of them to be quite soothing.
  7. I can do stuff with my tongue?
  8. I pretty much agree with you on that.
  9. Why are you such a shitty troll?
  10. I bet you hear that all the time. Seriously, we don't like you. Why do you waste your time here? Are you doing this for sociological research?
  11. I can do things with my tongue.
  12. You're not my father, mister!
  13. Much better pic. The first one looked like shit. Cool haircut , bro. The only problem is you've morphed into a Beto Bro. Lol (j/k You look like you belong in the Grunge Era though, which is cool.)
  14. Bulma was hotter than ChiChi, I agree. I just got a thing for blondes, yo.
  15. He probably wanted dat ass, yo.
  16. Yes, but we'd learn to harvest and filter our own pee so we can make water...or something. Because environmentalism or some shit. I don't know. I'm just shitposting. Lol
  17. Yeah, he could never keep a straight face no matter how hard he tried. Family Guy lampooned him in an episode in their comeback season.
  18. You should've showed him your taint. (I miss that guy. lol)
  19. You just now figured that out? Wow. Where the hell have you been?
  20. No. Should I be high?
  21. And people who insist on replying to every. Single. Fucking. Post! (Just to up their post count. Yeah, that like fucking matters.)
  22. Neither. The correct answer is Android 18.
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