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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I'm not special like you.
  2. 7. Clever. SnapIt: Thank you. It's an album by the band Porcupine Tree. They were trying to do a play on the Public Enemy album Fear of a Black Planet, but wanted to convey something like "Fear of a Stunned Planet" while keeping the same number of letters. So they went with Fear of a Blank Planet.
  3. Why is it that the best version of Flash Gordon (besides in the comics section of the newspaper) is a nearly 40-year-old Saturday Morning cartoon series? Hell, even the 1980 live-action movie that featured a soundtrack by one of the greatest rock bands of all time, Queen, doesn't compare. I think it's time for somebody in the industry to get it right, and I'm gonna be that guy! FLASH! AAAAAA-AAAAAAAH!
  4. Jimmy John's is the best sandwich shop by far! I haven't tried Jersey Mike's though. There's one by my place. I should give it a try.
  5. 1. Hi-Point 9mm 2. ar-15 3. sks 4. .22 caliber rifle 5. pellet gun
  6. Tiger. Because that was my dad's favorite animal growing up.
  7. I like these boards because we can post shit like the gif below.
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