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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. I hate you. I'm posting on my phone right now. Fucking asshole.
  2. We're all verpetas, asshole.
  3. Also, this is so stupid.
  4. That's who I was thinking. I wonder why he'd insist on coming back when he's just gonna get perma'd...again. Some people never learn.
  5. lol He's still at it, huh? Well, I can't fault him for doing the only thing he knows how. XD
  6. Thank you for the explanation. I feel like an idiot now. XD
  7. I had edited my post because I realized how crappy it came off. I lost it a little, and I thought I had gone back and corrected it in time, but I didn't. I humbly apologize for not being calmer in my initial response to your reply. Anwyay, it stinks that you have to ask people for money. I have to do that every once in a while as well, and I hate it. It's like can I please stop being an adult and go back to being a teenager? Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. Sorry again for being a pain. I wasn't trying to be.
  8. That would work. Too bad he's not part Greek.
  9. No need to fly off the handle. I'm merely asking.
  10. What do you mean by that? Am I missing something? Did you end up getting out of the porn industry and moving back home? I think I've been out of the loop. Please fill me in.
  11. Also, I had to wear a black tank top while playing youth basketball. It was part of the uniform. Don't @ me.
  12. All I know is the NBA regular season is less than four weeks away. I can't wait!
  13. I also hate the bidding system. I mean thank God I ended up not getting the Packers defense, but still, it sucks ass. Oh, and I have a proposed rule change for next year's league: Make the flex positions a TRUE flex position, as in let us be able to plug in another QB in that slot if we so choose. (Then again, that might be up to Yahoo! Fantasy Sports, not empty.)
  14. This is so stupid.
  15. I wish people told me I looked like Chris Evans as Captain America, but I don't.
  16. This is the correct answer. We were also looking for "go have random sex with a complete stranger" as an alternate correct answer. But of course, this is Jeopardy!, which means you must answer in the form of a question that makes sense from a grammatical standpoint. Since nobody got it right according to the rules, scoob, it's still your turn. Please select another category.
  17. More like fucking "money" waiver bids. Am I right? (Oh, and congrats on the win.)
  18. That's what getting parasitic worms will do for you. Just ask Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. (Oh, and Nabs, too.)
  19. This. Because scoob is smart.
  20. Sho' nuff, playa. But seriously, he's definitely in the Top 5, at least. In fact, I'd put him slightly behind DeAndre Hopkins for 1 and 2, respectively. But of course, I'm biased. I am a Texans fan, after all.
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