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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Okay. *shrugs*
  2. Red-ear sliders are good. Then again, so is dancing on the ceiling with good friends and companions.
  3. Because reasons. And turtles. Oh, and sunflower seeds. Lots and lots of sunflower seeds.
  4. I know the secret, but I ain't tellin'. Sorry, yo.
  5. *snorts* Hew boy. Somebody get me Ron Howard.
  6. She's the heroine we need as well as deserve. She's the protector of all things fun and silly...and Porcupine Tree-y. She's Vela! *BWONG!
  7. Okay, okay. We get it. You could've been a male model if you had been discovered by the dudes at American Apparel back in 2009.
  8. AND I BLAME YOU! (Oh. Sorry. I thought we were posting about the Who's classic tune "Behind Blue Eyes". My bad, y'all.)
  9. And that, my friends, is not how you practice safe sex.
  10. And now, something to completely damage your mind...or something. I don't know. (Featuring a guest solo by Alex LIfeson of Rush.)
  11. "Whoa, our heads are HUGE!" "Candace, I'm about to fall over! Help!" "I can't, Janice! I'm falling over, too! Eeeeee-aaaah!"
  12. Nah. I wish everybody the best and hope they find happiness. That's how I was brought up. Also, this is my one thousandth post.
  13. Inuyashaboy to the top, to the top! Inuyashaboy to the top! some other lyrics that make this song sound like a college fight song When girls want to flash you their thong Let them know they're not wrong! Inuyashaboy to the top, to the top! Inuyasha boy to the top! Also, sex.
  14. Thank you Based God and God Hand!
  15. Because you're you, and I think you're awesome.
  16. Yes, even if it involves blowing out my eardrums. lol (I can deal with not being able to hear for a little while. Certain people's voices are annoying. Yours is cool though.)
  17. Likewise. *hugs back* Now go have fun with distorted. He's a cool dude.
  18. Don't forget about listening to Porcupine Tree.
  19. Okay. I'm seriously gonna go to bed now. Got some stuff to do in the morning before work. Later.
  20. Oh, okay. Also, I like turtles! And mittens. And pie! Wait. What?
  21. You must be a sadomasochist. That would explain so much.
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