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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. thank you guys, I spent most of my birthday (and most of today) sleeping bf gave me a gift card and a rick and morty build set, but no cake
  2. don't get me wrong, i'd still fuck him
  3. I remember when everyone thought he was hot and then everyone realized what an asshole he is
  4. . . . But that's none of my business
  5. i'm insanely jealous
  6. Hershey kisses, to be exact i'm too warm and cozy in bed to get up and make anything.
  7. i'm pissed its being listed as a comedy
  8. Today was also Canadian Boxing Day A day for Justin Trudeau to put his dick in a box.
  9. That last episode though. I thought Sax was gonna try to eat his gun while watching that popcorn.
  10. I like discounts, but I hate crowds so I stay inside
  11. Holy shit, there is someone else watching this show.
  12. Keep the Anti-Christ in Christmas
  13. I only have the sexy catwoman costume
  14. been in the house for a few days, we don't know how it got in. It has plenty of places to hide in the daytime with mum having tall shelves with stuffed animals on them. It comes out once in a while to make a few circles around the living room before hiding again. I want to let him out, but I cant have the door standing wide open with cats who would love to get out but cants fend for themselves against feral neighbourhood cats. I tried having all the lights off in the house with the door open, I tried having all the lights on in the house with the door open. Don't know what to do.
  15. my family doesn't secretly hate me they openly hate me
  16. Dignity over companionship
  17. santa would take one look at my tits and feel sorry enough to give me extra presents
  18. i hope I work on xmas
  19. a babybel cheese, mozzarella style
  20. deliberately keep your pet un-spayed or neutered
  21. JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?? I know they used makeup to have her suit the character, but not that much, fuck
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