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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Interesting that you know how many calories are in that thing. Guess that's where you got your inspiration for your look from......a greasy ass chicken sandwich.
  2. I used to run a restaurant and be a bartender, so yes.
  3. Several of my co-workers have MULTIPLE kids......didn't land them back at home. Then again, I work with mature, responsible adults.
  4. .............Defer, defer, defer........just like her baby daddy did.
  5. Hair is fine. You DEFINITELY need to do something about the face and pores, though. Looks greasier than what's left on a KFC Double Down wrapper.
  6. No.
  7. It also encourages bad behavior.
  8. lupin_bebop


  9. You, sir, can kiss the fattest part of my ass.
  10. Screw you. There's ALWAYS room for bacon
  11. Yes, actually. Moderation is there. Bullshit like fuggs and Zeni wouldn't fly there. Also, topics are nice. Rules, even though they can be boring, are necessary. As long as they aren't restrictive. Unfortunately, the rules of the old boards were restrictive, especially since they didn't match the Adult Swim channel rules. Coding was better and fixed quickly. I give a little leeway here because it's only a couple of people doing it.
  12. Yeah. Because we like good things. Not butt taste drinks.
  13. .......Actually......I kinda am.
  14. Not going to last. I give it a few hours, tops.
  15. Ask Fuggs or Zeni. They'd be subject matter experts on it.
  16. Guess it could be worse. .........You could be Zeni, or the broken condom that gave us Trump.
  17. Toothpaste is a better remedy than garlic. The active ingredient in toothpaste that cleans your teeth also exfoliates your skin and removes oils. It's not a go-to remedy, but the camphor and ingredients work in a pinch. Baking soda is a better remedy, as well, and won't irritate your skin as much.
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