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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Only if they knock that fake feather duster he calls a moustache off of his face.
  2. Sorry. He played favorites. Not only that, he would rather ban you, then stick on it forever for first offense. He couldn't be reasoned with. Part of the reason I stopped coming to the boards. Ruined the fun in being a witty, sarcastic asshole.
  3. Just cancel them. They are awful, anyways.
  4. [youtube autoplay=1]
  5. I still say Michael Jai White should play him again.
  6. Hmmmm.............chemistry. I hate chemistry.
  7. He died with the old boards. Good. Fuck him.
  8. Depends on the person. It usually takes Nyquila couple of hours to start knocking me out. The first hour is usually me feeling a little loopy and high. FUcked up dreams happen after, though.
  9. I could give you my interpretation of this whole thing, going into Jungian archetypes, analyzation of meanings and what your brain is telling you. I could go into what changes in your personality it could breed, and that you shouldn't take too much stock into what is basically as massive, albeit temporary chemically-indueced hallucination. I could, but I will just say that it sounds like you had a pretty vivd dream and it sounded cool. I hope you adopt a pet lion and get all Gladiator with it on people.
  10. lupin_bebop


    Not just rigidly evolved. Properly equipped for their lifestyles, too. Majestic as fuck.
  11. Because they are psychopaths, just like you. THIS is why restraining orders were invented. Also, because "strong alpha dogs" never refer to themselves as such. Only BETA males do that. Strong alpha males pay bills, have jobs, and do so on their own merit. They are their own, self-made men. Hell, women are attracted to confident men. Just not dickbags. Stupid asses like you fuck it up for the rest of men out there. Feminism is about equality. Not stereotypical power hierarchy. Get over yourself and read a book once in a while. In fact, just go back to school. Learn about how society works.
  12. When? For you.......when she is not comatose or asleep, and when she's real.
  13. lupin_bebop


    Emperor penguins.
  14. Yes.
  15. I know the feels. I haven't done one in a long while, either.
  16. Yep. It was good.
  17. Cyberbully360[/member] I guess, man......this wasn't an inside joke, though. This thread went like 15 pages on the old board because people were fun. Maybe I should give up on trying to have fun here.
  18. No, I'm not. I was trying to get a laugh..... I wanted to see if anyone would do (de)motivators......obviously not. No one has a fucking sense of humor, whimsy, or fun anymore.
  19. Nope...I get plenty of that. I mean with (de)motivators.
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