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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Because America has a sweet tooth. We have sugar in everything.
  2. Don't offer me that......I may have to take you up on that. I need to do so, because I can't fit you for a life size pizza otherwise.
  3. .......I didn't know it was creepy to offer pizza and noodles to people who were hungry.
  4. No, your threads get moved there because they are rapey, shitty tripe. They DESERVE to be moved there.
  5. [youtube autoplay=1]
  6. [youtube autoplay=1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BwL-MHnIyo
  7. B&.
  8. You DO realize you were AT WORK right? The first thing is your job comes first. Second, if she's smarter than a bag of puppies, then she knows to stay the fuck away from your rapey ass. Third, she won't pay for shit. She's probably your supervisor and telling you to do your fucking job is her job.
  9. ....................The fuck? How could you ADD storage space? Did you get a new hard drive? Did they give you a better one? Your statement makes no goddamn sense.
  10. Yeah, no. You were the kid listening to Linkin Park and fake cutting himself while singing the lyrics, thinking they were about you.
  11. See Beauty and the Beast. It is worth the money. Disney did a WONDERFUL job with it, forgiving a few of the audio inconsistencies (Lumiere's French accent coming and going on a whim, some vocal pitching issues) and some of the weird CGI FX things that should have been done with practical FX.
  12. No. Making a live action remake was actually a FANTASTIC idea. Making The Major White was NOT so much. They tried to keep it close artistically with shooting and the like, but the character and cadence of The Major just didn't ring true. It came off as tone deaf.
  13. .........................Why is Jimmie Walker taking pictures with Skeletor?
  14. So how much money did Scarlett Johansson's ass cheeks make opening weekend?
  15. Nope. I'm pretty happy with who I was and who I am.
  16. I don't mind 3rd shift. That's me, though. I'm a night owl. Also, it let's me do some things I can't get away with during the day.
  17. Yeah............not gonna do that.
  18. Nothing......just shitposting.......and maybe a butt or two.
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