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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Somewhere between 2-alarm burn your mouth, and firebreathing before shitting the floor.
  2. Take your stolen stupid ass jokes, and get the fuck out. [-1]
  3. It's to keep reactions of it purely real and unbiased. Actually, it's to manage expectations of the movie. They don't want reviews swaying public opinion of the movie. A review before the movie comes out can make or break a box office weekend, especially this close to the big blockbuster movies that are coming this year (the couple that ARE coming, at least). You don't want to be tanked before you even get started. Honestly, it's the new form of censorship. The same holds true for gaming reviews. If you don't give Call of Duty at least a 9 out of 10 in your review, then Infinity Ward and Activision have you blacklisted as a reviewer and source. The same holds true for Battlefield and EA. Ask Jim Sterling. He's the living proof of this.
  4. Take your stolen poem shitpost elsewhere, ass clown.
  5. ..........................You're one of those people, too.
  6. ...........Actually this did happen in old times, too. Just get used to the fact that your girlfriend will be your hand for possibly the next decade until you stop being a fucking creep.
  7. Sure. Whatever.
  8. ...............No. They are still in the realm of science fiction.
  9. Maybe. I see it as a forced feminism/equality parable. Doesn't matter, the cast they have for it is shit, the plot is shit, and the animation is shit, so I know the movie will be shit. The FIRST one was also shit. These kind of movies are designed to do one thing: sell toys.
  10. I'll just leave this here.
  11. DJ Sona[/member] Yes. Now it does. https://www.reddit.com/r/Roast_Me/comments/61waz1/comment/dfhzekk?st=J0T0EORB&sh=9653b23b
  12. Once again.....instead of dealing with me as the problem, you decide to attack someone else. Again, the pathetic one is in the mirror with you. I didn't have to drag your name through the mud with Reddit. Just needed to post your shit in the r/roastme forum, and let them take care of the rest. I can do it again, if you so choose. In fact, fuck it, I will do it after work. Then, I'll link it, then I'll just laugh and laugh........ Also, a whale doesn't need SONAR to cry for help, dumbass, the American Navy does. It's unfortunate that you went to an underfunded school and your daughter is also being taught by you, because you both grew up to be fucking stupid.
  13. Or.....maybe they've figured out how much of a fucking creep you are and are stopping your accounts.
  14. Okay........I still don't see where the Bible or "biblical sense" was needed here.
  15. Yep.
  16. lupin_bebop


  17. Yeah.......near-adult me wants to fucking KILL 22 year old me.
  18. .......Do.......Do I even THINK I want to know how this happened in conversation?
  19. My cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and pretty much every measure of health are better than yours. Get over yourself and get tested. I don't need pills to regulate my shit. Normal exercise and motion do that for me. When was the last time you were able to see your toes? From the looks of it, 4th grade. It's not my fault you used food as a crutch, then got knocked up, then stopped caring about yourself. I don't need to tear down your significant other to make myself feel better. God, and better yet, YOU have don't that for me. Next time, don't put yourself in the line of fire. Then, you won't find yourself in a barrel with all of us armed with shotguns. Man....you should see the things people on Reddit say about your shit......HAHAHAHAHA Anyways, I've wasted enough brain cells on you, and I know you don't have many left, so here, enjoy this and try again tomorrow.
  20. Last person who told me that wound up with a arrest on their record.
  21. I ate until I felt pregnant.
  22. Hope they have full coverage.
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