My cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and pretty much every measure of health are better than yours. Get over yourself and get tested. I don't need pills to regulate my shit. Normal exercise and motion do that for me. When was the last time you were able to see your toes? From the looks of it, 4th grade. It's not my fault you used food as a crutch, then got knocked up, then stopped caring about yourself. I don't need to tear down your significant other to make myself feel better. God, and better yet, YOU have don't that for me.
Next time, don't put yourself in the line of fire. Then, you won't find yourself in a barrel with all of us armed with shotguns. should see the things people on Reddit say about your shit......HAHAHAHAHA
Anyways, I've wasted enough brain cells on you, and I know you don't have many left, so here, enjoy this and try again tomorrow.