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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. I'm on a 75/75 network right now, and this shit is STILL loading.
  2. You don't know that.....she may be into the business of growing........could be chickens, could be butts, you never know. It could even be......GASP....CHICKEN BUTTS!
  3. So, next time you want to get down to business, let me know. I'll let the others fawn over you for now.
  4. Hey......you asked.....I'm more than happy to. I actually look forward to it.
  5. I'd show her that clip from that one anime........or from Hunter x Hunter.
  6. Yes. You should. Then,, you won't come off as creepy.........Fuck, who am I kidding? You'll come off as creepier, because now, you have a dungeon to try and murder women in. Also, you should get your own place, anyway, because it's WAAAAY past the time for that.
  7. ...............That can be arranged.
  8. ............Blink twice or hair flip if you need saving.
  9. That being said, I'm and Endomorph.
  10. The same way we let all reality TV shows exist.
  11. lupin_bebop


  12. They finally went DCUO on it? I might have to fire my stuff back up, then.
  13. You'll be back when Pacman comes back? Like Manny Paqiao? Man........fuck......we may never see you again.
  14. How about you just simply shut the fuck up? Can't be that hard, and certainly hasn't been tried yet.
  15. [youtube autoplay=1]
  16. Lay down on your left side with your arm up or laying on it. Relieves it pretty quickly temporarily. Also, milk.
  17. Dependson season and if I run the lawn mower or not.
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