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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. For $60, that shit better taste like sprinkles and fresh fruit. That's fucking 3 tanks of gas.
  2. Don't give a shit. I'm fucking awesome.
  3. ..............Probably because she knows what a fucking creep you are. I would avoid any kind of contact with you, too. Have you ever stopped to think that the reason you are not having success is because it's not the fault of the women here? You eve thought about looking at the man in the mirror and changing his fucking attitude?
  4. Was it as good as those fru fru aged wines from France?
  5. .............I would hope so.
  6. True, but so can a wheel cutter. Minus the constant straight line.
  7. Fine then......I'll include Birdman's whack ass
  8. Sure. Why not?
  9. THIS. Including Wayne.
  10. HAHAHAHHAHAHA! That's cute......Fuggs doesn't know how Catfishing works.
  11. Yeah........you're looking at a bot, Fuugs. Took me less than a second to search this on TinEye and get the result.
  12. ..............It's a bot. Or.....probably you getting Catfish'd.
  13. [youtube autoplay=1]
  14. .............Only after a salad
  15. lupin_bebop


    .........Damn.....that was funny.
  16. Nice. You got pretty damn owned that second round. I stopped playing with SF4. I like Tekken WAAY better.
  17. I watched it and liked it.
  18. You know what? Fuck it.
  19. lupin_bebop

    and now

    Correct GIF, wrong movie.
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