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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Maple bacon from Hurts Donut Then, chocolate glazed and regular glazed from Krispy Kreme
  2. Tech is being worked on as we speak.
  4. Nice.
  5. Check social media. I'd also check calendar to make sure they didn't take vacation. I'd also check places they frequent, someone had to have seen them or noticed.
  6. There's a dude in my apartment complex who starts his loud ass fucking beater truck at like 5 AM. Pisses me the fuck off. Seriously, it's awful. I want to put sugar and flour in his gas tank just to get his car to shut the fuck up.
  7. Wait.....you want a macro for birthdays? Seriously? I ALREADY had macros for posts, now, you want me to do it for Facebook? Wow.
  8. Yeah, no. That's not how that works. Also, I thought you were gay?
  9. Best. Trap. EVER.
  10. It'll be all right. You'll wind up getting one that you want.
  11. ............I don't even need to dignify this post with a witty response.
  12. HA! I was waiting on someone to say this one.
  13. You've whacked it to traps so much, your'e out of lotion. Just hush.
  14. ...............He has friends?
  15. Meh. Don't really care that much.
  16. So.......you're going to train for a tournament and not raise your children?
  17. Yeah.......
  18. There's plenty of ways. If he's good, then it will take about 12 hours or so. If he's not, then he'lll have nothing.
  19. ...........Sure. Why not?
  20. Or......you could do blow and get beaten. Your choice.
  21. ...............Yeah....about that.
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