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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Depends on how quickly you need it.
  2. I do it any time of day. Doesn't matter. Fuck, I crop dust my store at lest once a day.
  3. I know Disney is stingy as fuck with their IPs. Even for work on them. They are stingy as fuck when paying and outsourcing, too. Tripping the Rift is another show I wish I could find. Along with ReBoot. I miss those shows.
  4. Then shut the fuck up and stop your whining. Actually, you don't have to be a weirdo or failure to not have that stuff. You could be priced out of your area, be out of a job because of natural disaster, downsizing, or loss of business. It happens more than you think.
  5. lupin_bebop


    Screw that. I still play the game. A good game is a good game, regardless of what happens. I replay old games all the time when I have nothing new to play.
  6. Bobby's World had a SUPER short run of being released on VHS. The Tick has been released, re-released, and re-re-released. It's easy to find. Bill Nye the Science Guy was impossible to find, too.
  7. o you still have a roof, electricity, and Internet?
  8. What does a Jacksonville Jaguars running back have to do with a BET show?
  9. Yep. You've already lost.
  10. A lot of anime shows I watch.
  11. .................................No.
  12. Fuggs and any living, breathing human male.
  13. Yeah........pretty sure that some people have it worse than you. Quite your griping, white boy.
  14. ................I don't think you'd belong. Poop camp.....yes.
  15. When it comes to BBQ, meat, Mexican, spicy, or sweets, Dallas, and Texas has you beat.
  16. There are some amazing sushi places here in Dallas. They just aren't as plentiful as they are on the coasts.
  17. If I'm talking about someone like Fuggs, then, I have to ask, would you like this in list form, or paragraph form? As an educated black male: - The attitude, mostly, annoys the shit out of us. - The attitude like they deserve the world, when they aren't worth it. - Attitude for attitude sake is also an annoyance. - Thinking the world owes you something annoys the shit out of me. I don't owe you shit. Nor does anyone else in the world. You're not special, no matter what your momma told you. - Thinking you know everything, when I know more than you is a quick way to get the boot out of my life. - In Fugg's case: Being an unrelenting whore. Not just unrelenting, but stupid. Something that I, personally, can't stand is stupidity. - Thinking that men owe you something. They don't. You live with me, you pay rent. Get over yourself. Learn to share in a relationship. - You're not the prettiest thing in the room. Sorry. You're not. Get over yourself. - Many others.
  18. .......................K.
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