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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I think the funniest part is nabs thought this was buckets alt....how can even the dumbest of goldfish cab see this Jackassery from a mile away
  2. This is some mc Escher shit and it's infuriating
  3. I saw this at a video store a long time ago.... I didn't partake
  4. No thread is complete without an unwarranted flex.
  5. Well, if youre just gonna lie, I'm leaving
  6. I gotta head to Cali...but soon
  7. I say Zeni gets to stay and fucking ban Packard....or at least remove all restraints from him and let us go to town
  8. Well see, that's an issue
  9. Thank you, I knew I wasn't alone with these... I have others but figured the context would be lost without the source material
  10. So you just go around calling black people brother like you're Hulk Hogan. No wonder he wants to beat your ass in public
  11. With racism, snitching, gay sex, and countless lies? That's just Christianity, ghostrek.
  12. Bro, do you have any idea the kinds of deals Robbie Staxxx brokers.....Dude will finesse you right out of your Lucky Charms, bro.
  13. cyberbully


    I often wonder if my kids will grow up and realize "daddy was weird as fuck just driving around with video game music playing." Alternatively I have this on an actual playlist... I don't think they know it's from a video game
  14. Their now is never the actual "now"... They probably have wrecking ball and some Adele in the mix
  15. Oh.... Not what I thought this was about
  16. Dude, you just replied to an 8 day old post in angst. You aren't helping your case... This thread was long dead. And why not take it to DF if you want to kick it off so y'all can get nasty.
  17. Nope...not googling any of this
  18. Tsk, tsk.....poor ghostrek, unable to ever read the room
  19. 4 total. Total sugars might be the natural sweetness and other sugars is probably just a way to avoid putting high fructose corn syrup on there. Granted, this isn't fact, just what I would ascertain knowing that hfcs has been being removed from labels... Not products
  20. Where is this preface in any Bible. Just because man tells you it's true doesn't mean the book did.
  21. So a liar isn't a liar as long as they don't say they are telling the truth? Fucking game changer
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