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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. Being single is the only way.
  2. I fucked that pay wall a couple of times to read it and it just drones on about the history of subway and how tuna is fished....so is it tuna or not. I mean, I'm sure the shit you buy in Walmart isn't just "tuna"....I don't even trust the prepackaged filets 100 percent, but at the end of the day, I don't care either. Hell, I'll eat a hungry man dinner and it says 100% Angus beef. We know that's a lie.
  3. Ginguy is bad at parallels, it seems to be a thing that conservatives have trouble with
  4. See, I don't care what happens after the date. The entertainment to me is people dressing up like jackasses and going out on a date in public. I probably would skip the rose ceremony or whatever they do ...sniff butts
  5. I saw 2 episodes and forgot to finish watching it. I didn't get the appeal...it wasn't even the animals...it was the parallels to real people problems that just wouldn't exist if I could actually eat other people.
  6. Even sadder that I can't fucking wait...this is going to be the cringe I've been looking for
  7. Welp, nothing I googled led me to anything like that gif, so while I may be bored, I'm also not into putting forth effort on the internet, so that's a wrap for me.
  8. I avoided this until the boredom really set in and now I don't trust it...but I'm still bored so I'll be back if it pisses me off.
  9. All you did was name the mascot games, which would have done well regardless. OoT is indeed a classic...Zelda branching out into 3D....and the 3D Metroid was not as well received as Mario or Zelda....I found it fun, but It wasn't a global consensus on it's greatness. And yeah, there were a lot of racing games but there were just as many horrible platformers like Banjo Kazooie, and whatever else Rare shat out those days that people pretended we're great because it was Nintendo. 3rd party games were bad because the devs had no idea how to squeeze CD quality gameplay, batch loading and non telegraphed transitions onto a cart when Discs could do so much more chips. It's why shit like Superman 64 and Castlevania 64 existed. It why cutscenes looked exactly like the game you were playing, it's why the polygons we're so large and perpetually clipped through scenery and other characters. It had sooooo many problems that people don't acknowledge because Nintendo. If they didn't save face with the Cube, Nintendo might have flopped in the console wars and only stayed relevant in the he portable game. ... They've had that shit on lock since gameboy
  10. That game was beyond awful. Almost unplayable. But it was during a time where finishing a game was priority so I suffered through it. I have no clue how someone could enjoy it. Something I don't think I've said since ASMB, the 64 was a shitty system that survived on sheer fanboyism.... myself included. The Saturn was a much better system but Sega fanboys jumped ship after the Sega CD and the 3DO was a complete slap in the face so their fate was sealed, but all Nintendo had to do was make sure it's mascot games did well and the rest of the Library was mostly terrible. There are some great nostalgia to be had, but everything about the 64 was subpar for it's gen. I would get into specs and functionality and ease of development for software and everything else it lacked... but it would be hypocrisy because, as I said, fanboy....without us, that shitty box would have tanked
  11. I honestly can't even remember which one came first, but I've played them all ....even the shitty Nintendo 64 one.
  12. Hot take, ghostrek doesn't have an answer because his startrek knowledge is pedestrian at best and he can never fabricate an answer when asked to provide one. Even his interests are fraudulent and made up
  13. I saw those in someone's fridge and almost grabbed one but I opted for water
  14. cyberbully


    I'd rather get an old Milwaukee than a Foster's.
  15. cyberbully


    Ew, Foster's...I would drink anything and wouldn't touch those
  16. cyberbully


    Yeah, but I can see where he's coming from. If all he's got is taco bell, the mess is like 90% lettuce. Almost 0 chance of that teaspoon of meat to fall out.
  17. ....but then you said you wer....whatever
  18. Well you're just a liar, because you couldn't tell me this if you were Groot.
  19. Well, you're a criminal....I expect that.
  20. Lol, Mexican food I guess... it's the girls birthday dinner, and that what she wants
  21. That's absurd, all I said is I want to give them cash and not have them with access to my account. You see black faces and start making brash accusations. Same with the cut out.
  22. I never once mentioned anything about an ID. How would you make that determination about me....what would you even base that on
  23. If the police see you with silver, they detain you and ask for ID because obviously you're demented and confused
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