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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. The bar for premium porn is so low because people will just jack off to the amateur shit for a quick nut. This harms the discreet connoisseur.
  2. LaBron is barely a thing anymore....I mean, he's still a force on the court, but he's at the bottom of any current hype trains... The league is so different now, I can't be 100% that Jordan's raw talent would be as effective these days if he were on his prime.
  3. People will abuse the report feature now.....the internet isnt quiet about anything
  4. Well.... once this happened
  5. What a whimsical contraption you've constructed. Just don't be the guy riding it in a 55.....knowing fully well it won't go 55 and it'll be cool.
  6. Keanu has some sweet moves
  7. Then you're already winning
  8. He's always so woefully lost... He's just the one guy I give passes to
  9. Apathy isn't a whimper
  10. There is 0 worry, outrages, or given fucks in this thread.
  11. This is exactly the kind of thread that'll have 500 views and 0 repl... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  12. Wineanu? Keanona? I don't like this ship at all
  13. ....that's you
  14. Hbd dude.....I forgot my ire for you is purely fabricated and I don't actually care what you do here.
  15. Ive only ever seen the trap version of this and now after seeing this, the voiceovers are shit
  16. I really don't know what's happening here
  17. Oh shit, Stoneygo....
  18. It's not that serious, just sponges doing his brand of trolling....personally, i was hoping he caught the sawdy ban for it, but nah....
  19. Fuxk this phone...but im not switching accounts on my main
  20. Oh no, i wasnt saying that...i already got all of my shit exceot the brisket...i dont like to freeze tgem but i got an order in.....you post made me thunk i legit missed it. I havent been still in weeks and my days are just blurs...
  21. Oiled up, baster, wrestling match....got it.
  22. Poor men's day...... opening for Thanksgiving will never work
  23. ...... .. I.....kinda feel like this is a wdh moment
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