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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. Ghostrek has really sold the innocent simpleton character here..,... It's a crime to call him on his bullshit.
  2. How is this mean?
  3. Oh, well then by that metric, he's fine.
  4. ..... I'm not even going to entertain this level of buffoonery
  5. Well, once when we still enjoyed each other's company he said he had eaten pizza that someone had left in a hotel hallway, I asked was there meat on it (I was willing to ignore the cheese as a cow product) and he said there was no reason to let it go to waste. The rest is speculation, but you know he's eating leftovers at his food service job... If not, I still maintain that he's a catalyst for the very industry he despises. He may only be qualified for bottom rung jobs, but issuing beef isn't the only thing he can do if he wants to be taken seriously in his crusade.
  6. He doesn't either.... Literally consumes meat regularly under the rule that of someone else bought it, it's ok to eat.
  7. I don't think there is a such thing. Like saying a front loading washer is the default washer.
  8. His delima lies within this gem right here.
  9. I have never seen so many bad ideas in one place, and I've.... Nevermind
  10. Right before end game, this was a huge thing
  11. I feel like you missed this meme at its height of relevance
  12. I honestly believe you people lived in different dimensions than me and one of the Mandela effects that joined us was so perfect we didn't notice. Kswiss was the quintessential white shoe when I was a kid until Nelly told us all to buy air force ones
  13. Totally go to a bar. Ohio rules.
  14. 👀
  15. Pah, I hear it's Betty White's birthday. He had to go... There can be only one
  16. Oh I misread that
  17. Wait, at some point in the series Icy hot starts going by his dad's name, Endeavor? Never watched the actual anime.. Just the abridged series.
  18. Is it just full of MHA shit or are you targeting those
  19. Oh, glad I kept reading because I was like no way people are just standing up outside watching this
  20. With my glasses on
  21. LMMFAO
  22. Nic cage memes and spectrum levels of repetition isn't fun
  23. Whenever I twitched with them, I pretty much only talked to rogue and pat....I had no interest in the other people anyway.... I just like playing games...I don't care who with.
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