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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I hear there is a way to sleep permanently but I haven't tried it yet so I can't recommend.... My brother swears by it too.
  2. Yeah, that's an undeniable ego hit. I live for those.
  3. Too vague. Can I smoke inside
  4. The fun sucker...that's what my kids mother called
  5. Security is tight af here. 2019, lol
  6. Wow wat that...he just being nice and you conversation go crazy and cuss him congestion. That not cool
  7. Stop, don't discourage him... I'm waiting him him to tag his "friends" in a final attempt at validation
  8. I know your last name. Now I wanna hear you say it.
  9. Great. Now he's gonna pretend to be Asian.
  10. That's the Schick... Y'all the idiots still playing.
  11. Seems every time you open your mouth, you're misunderstood.... Almost wondering if you didn't actually tell someone that you were threatened.... Sounds logical and follows with all of this evidence. And way to be a huge pussy...you could have tagged legugnoid or whatever...she seems to like you.... But here you are, tagging dudes.
  12. It took me longer to sift through your post than it did to watch that video. How it that a review, you hated on one single aspect of the movie without ever talking about the movie.. You talked more about the older movies. You suck at this. Check out my reviews for lessons
  13. I feel like you're lying. You don't know shut about Pokemon. Quick, what is Teddyursa's Max evolution
  14. Well I'm obviously fucking with vamped but the most we've ever tried to roll was a zone in a blunt. Complete waste of weed
  15. I think it's just king piccolo from ball. Z piccolo has 5
  16. cyberbully


  17. Omdg, I'm just getting off this phone.. Hate this shit
  18. And duck it, I edited the pic and then the ducking edits moved under where I had placed them. All you fucks know my name and this lady isn't a friend so fuck her...
  19. Should I buy this. I have no clue if it works, but I can make it work.... But are there only certain models of these things that are sought after...i mean, for 50 bucks, I'd buy it just to 0lay with it, but I'm wondering if this woman is truly a fool.
  20. Well you already gave away the games and no one wants your geriatric sex table, so I guess I'll just see if your glasses work for me
  21. You have adhd....you wouldn't get it
  22. Maybe B12....it gets fluffy af when you crush it
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