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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. ... Don't do it.
  2. He not issuing bans, just killing bots and roaches that won't stay away. Literally do nothing, you're fine.
  3. I hope this comes to fruition, so you can all buy him some pussy and he still fails.... Finally, I can stop being banned for telling you guys that he's gay..... HE'S FUCKING GAY!!! You want to know what sponges and doomer have. A legit desire that seems believeable... Ghostrek makes random, generic ass posts about wanting to fuck and then pusses out within 3 posts. Buy this man a female hooker, it'll amuse me.
  4. I bought some 50% CBD chocolate.... Makes me groggy. I have to stock to just THC if I wanna get up and not be grumpy
  5. He works at a fucking Ohio truck stop.... It's probably hookers begging to give him some but he's all like "can I get you some toilet tissue"
  6. Soooooo.... Is it safe to assume if you can't get laid, you're going to kill yourself? I mean, this is all I can come up with... These threads are so wildly mixed
  7. But why so you assume that's not what he meant as well. No one used the words chewing tobacco until right now.
  8. I was posting on topic. I was talking about what was on TV at a bar in response to Jingo.
  9. Who said they were at the bar... You be reaching, man. I was at the bar at Applebee's just staring at a tv. The gud ol boys could have been anywhere and nothing in my post Implies otherwise. But for the record, people can bring their spit bottles into bars... No one is drinking out of it. It's for spit.
  10. It funny because the most fun I've had in a while was dead ass shitfaced, watching faux News with the sound on mute at an Applebee's... I was like "is this ticker trolling me.... Man's truck catches fire when lit cigarette ignites leaves in back" All I can think was how many gud ol boys were like " *spits in MTN dew bottle* hate when that happens"
  11. Thought she was already dead
  12. I.... Am still not sure what this is.... Are you just rubbing the shaft on the floor.... Because I'm imagining you just pounding tip first into a floor and I'm about 99% sure I can't do that. But if you just mean sliding with it parallel to the floor, then ok
  13. I mean.... Any port in a storm.
  14. Those are all balloons expelled by a coke mule
  15. Did you also know his brother starred in soft core p..... Well, I don't know of its soft core porn... Like one of those movies like porkys Bufords beach bunnies
  16. Well since the other post that led to this died, yep.
  17. You're like 2 weeks too late... I don't have to defend this..... It had context when I made it.
  18. To be fair, 15 year olds have been fucking couches way before nip tuck was a thing
  19. Yeah.... I hear those work and nothing bad can happen.
  20. I don't know what that is, but synthetic marijuana is hit or miss so good luck
  21. Oh, different dynamic.. I generally don't catch any feelings until we break up and my ego need the crawling back lay just so I can try to be a nice guy this time around. But..... Never mind, that's enough from me... Your thread
  22. Dead dead
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