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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. See....THIS is why I'll never use door dash.....because the store apps suck, so adding a 3rd party just give them more room to fuck up. Used the subway app to order some sammiches....I think the kids were fine, but i ordered a tuna.....with just black olives and oil and vinegar.....I get it, and my sandwhich feels like a cinder block....I open it, and it's fully loaded.....I don't mind the veggies, but the deteriorate too fast an the moist tuna....bad enough the bread get soggy if you save some for later. I know for a fact what my sammich is because I have it saved to favorites and it's what I get every time....But this time the app decided to load me up....added shit that doesn't even come on the tuna like cucumber.... Which also pisses me off that subway has prefabricated sammiches and you have to remove shit if you don't want it.....Just a pain in the ass....Who says tomato goes on a club....not I.....
  2. Colonel is lower than General....so no
  3. I mean....It's Netflix...You've done half the work....Now go pitch it. You'll be #1 for at least a day.
  4. ITT, Ginguy wants a stop to illegals receiving junk mail.
  5. Well, I'm just saying this seems much less an inequality issue and more a domestic one....Like if you want her to keep cooking your meals, you should at least protect her fanny from toilet water. It just seems like a weird battle to invoke because some dude who went to "SleevesByGeorgiaO'keeffe" brought up some minor thing to make an equality issue.
  6. Men decided to give women this short end of the stick eons ago, and we still don't adhere to the agreement.....Just let her have dominion over the toilet set.
  7. I hate moving
  8. I liked when we had ads here....shit was hilarious.
  9. Valero plays movies while you pump gas and that's fucking stupid.
  10. You debit card assholes are really slowing up my Apple pay.....Jump outta the 00's ass.
  11. It just looks too corny to be scary to me....I really hate the trailer reveal where it's like "megan off" and she goes "I thought we were having a conversation"....My butt cheeks clinched a little....Like squeezing fresh lemon on my asshole. ....Not that I know anything about that
  12. News to me as well
  13. Well, after sleeping on it, Non-lactose 365 whole milk is the best so try that if you can.....The oat milk I kinda like BECAUSE it's thick.....Andding strawberry syrup is awesome.
  14. The stage is set, and now to watch him follow suit. Predictable as ever.
  15. Oat is so far the best....but it doesn't get cold....Well, I guess it gets cold but....Ok, have you ever just drank straight creamer, and how its so thick tht it feels like it's not cold enough....That's this, but I got over it pretty quick.
  16. You're right....This is worded and designed to benefit a very narrow and specific group of people.
  17. Powered up on gummies earlier...Just now waking up and now I'm bored....Could just take more but i wanna....ya know, do something. Doesn't matter what.
  18. Beat me....But it's ok because I wasn't attached to this one....RIP tho.
  19. I would get you something better but this is all you've given us.
  20. The ONLY thing floyd is worried about is the prize money....But I'm wondering how married he is to that unblemished record.
  21. ......I'm going to assume i don't want that. Unless I get to be a vampire....Will I get to be a vampire?
  22. Looks like Katt's got you covered....I would have answered since I promised I would because i found out who you are....But the question still baffles me....Still, I hope you understand now.
  23. Funny thing being when the boards are gone, there wont be any faces to rub it in so its gonna be another in the long line of disappointments. But we are way too deep in the rabbit hole here, back to the celebrated posters that matter
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