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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I don't even like picking up lunch for my girl (when i have one)....Definitely can't be getting up just because Blanche ass is hungry.
  2. I'm not taking jingo's side, and I'm sure that pic represents something other than what I'm assuming, but my pea brain sees this as accurate....They floated yall a few stacks in the 20s and 21s and now they are taking that shit back 10 fold . Now I'm sure the actual pic would be described as libtards getting owned....Woke and broke or some shit. Trump paid us and Biden is taxing us.
  3. Hellooooo....Where am I....What's my name?
  4. A vending machine that spits out shrooms....I mean, video games.
  5. Oh....I'm sure he'll be a new "member"
  6. I don't remember any cat cheeks getting slapped, but this is in my early stoner days and its possible I forgot....I just don't see how.
  7. Was he the one that helped you fuck up that couch.
  8. I remember plying FF8 and thinking "This is it...It'll never get better than this"
  9. Ooh, a new fanfic.
  10. it was 106 down here today.....Just hot because it can be.
  11. I would say I'd PM you, but that wouldn't be wise.....Check your FB msg in a bit.
  12. This isnt it because it happened to another group that just takes it on the chin. Just like natives Just like Latinos Just like the entire rainbow of alternative life styles. Just like black people.....none of us are going to do shit.....or at least nothing that matters. At least not until we all band together. There is only one group that cries and gets results and until we take power from them, they will continue to take it from us.
  13. What, specifically
  14. Believe me.....im keeping up
  15. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34131855/ex-nfl-dt-tony-siragusa-goose-dies-age-55
  16. This is beyind fucking stupid, youre literally creating an alternate reality because you really wanted my post to mean something else. Now fuck off before i have you spliced out, tumor
  17. I would love to see a pic of you with your black friends
  18. What conspiracy, i literally said i wanted to know who he was and why he shot up the place, was he fucking the first lady or what. You are trying way too hard and while i know you like self degradation, you're just ruining an adult conversation with your pussy shit
  19. Well, since Bad Faith Evans won't answer me, no it wasn't, in fact it seems the news dropped right about the same time I made that post....There was one that said 18 hours ago but after looking, it had been edited to include that info at almost 5pm....Which was well after my post. So once again, fuck off with your bullshit, nabs because your intrusion was never to discuss the gun violence......Just a sad and woeful attempt at getting an own....You're not good at that....You should stop.
  20. was that up 10 hours ago when I made the post. was it....nabs?
  21. Cool, who is he? Oh...I see....You only read the article i linked....I've been following this since yesterday and police refuse to release the shooter's name. He's BEEN in custody but it just seems like there's some things being left out.
  22. .....i really hate to do this because of how you get in your feelings, but im just posting on topic. like many of the words abused by tbe younger generations, Tejano is just a word thats used for Latinos in Texas....its no longer a culture, or specific people....its literally anyone with a little latino blood. The first i heard the word was my ex using it to tell me about her friends we were going to visit....then k started hearing it more. I went to a Tejano bar a few years back and all they played was pop and rap....i think i heard some classic Mex at one point, but im pretty sure it just segued into that fucking panda song
  23. The frog got an only fans
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