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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. As long as she goes home, yup....That's pretty much my criteria as a whole.
  2. Banned for specification
  3. I would have to do a hard listen to almost all the tracks to pick my faves....I just know none of them are from X6.or 8
  4. Music,man.....The music.
  5. Should be guts man for part 1
  6. This is real Karen of you my guy....Either put on pants or take what's offered...It's not hard. If you want someone to cater to your whims....Get a girl.
  7. Yeah, they said it was pretty contained to Europe and they were taking precautions to keep it from getting out....Which makes me happy it didn't origibnate here, because we'd give it to the world with no fucks given
  8. Now that i think about it....Club violence was a lot of time Security. See, you can be a ruthless as you want when "protecting" women and those dudes will rough you up for a little of nothing if one of the girls beckons them....
  9. I used to go alone all the time....Good drinks when you know th BT....And I always know the BT. And the Clubs I went to were in ATL, Baton Rouge and Hammond....Bad neighborhoods, the lot of them. But sorry, nope....Never heard of anyone getting "stabbed" I know a few girls got robbed and sometimes kidnapped, but what guy is legit scared to go to a strip club alone? Seems weak, but I'm sure OP is from the hood and can handle himself. As long as you don't try to save these ho's, ya know, get sold a bullshit story and to try to cape for the bitch until her abusive BF shows up and you find out that cape has no super powers....but i digress.. Yeah, I went alone a few time....Mostly for the drinks tho.....Magic city gave you free drinks if you showed them 100 $1 dollar bills at the door (which in retrospect....May have been a sure fire way to get marked)...I don't know if they still do that, but that was the shit.
  10. Buffet, yes...Takeout, NEVER
  11. I have these answers....but the truth isn't very civil.
  12. God i hope youre serious
  13. Elephino
  14. .......I did not expect to get a double tap on this.....Ok, keep em coming, I bet all of you wear em and I'm the weirdo
  15. So, a follow up since we're still here....Has there ever been a situation where you just didn't tip at all....Not because you couldn't....but strictly because the service was THAT bad. I tend to always leave a couple (legit couple) of buck just because "I guess you did bring the food to the table" but if you ghost me after that, or make other tables a priority just because you assume they'll tip more, I'll stiff ya....Well, I'll just give you 2 bucks. I can't really think of just stiffing someone.
  16. My method is simple....If I got shitty service, they get 10% and tha't super ewasy to calculate....If it's good, then I do 20 so i just double the 10 and round up the change.
  17. She knows it isn't about Fuggz, but she's too delusional to ever see how she's at fault. There MUST be a reason why people have changed in how they engage me....But it can't be anything i did....I'm just an awesome victim. They should feel honored that I even came to them for help.
  18. Some of us care how we're treated by others and don't roll over when your culprit plays victim.... But....Why care why anyone care....Tell me more about how you're wasting your wife's hard earned seed on her parents.
  19. Ooooh, that changes things. Well this'll all blow over as long as you already did the wedding toast shaft shake.....You DID do the wedding toast shaft shake, right?
  20. LMFAO.....This is now about how what scoob did wasn't good enough
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